Looking for big, BLACK TB gelding, aged or deceased by now

But I’d like to know what ever happened to him. Here’s his pedigree:


He was a true black. Not a speck of real white, only the white scars on his withers that were there when I bought him. He was pin fired but the scars weren’t white at all. His registered name was Peace Patrol, but I showed him under the name Amnesty. He was too much horse for the lady who bought him from me. We warned her over and over again that he wasn’t right for her, but ultimately I had to go to school and the trainer brokered the deal. I heard that the new owner, who was calling him Blackjack, fell off him and broke her collar bone and sold him pretty quickly. And that’s the last I know. :frowning:

I bought him off the racetrack in 1990 (I think), worked very hard to retrain him, did Children’s, Junior’s and some eq with him. I was boarding him in Perkasie, PA when I sold him before leaving for college. It almost killed me to have to sell him, but I really had no choice. He was quirky and a bit difficult, prone to violent explosions for no reason in colder weather, but a wonderful mover and talented over fences. I’d schooled a lot of dressage with him, he did one tempis, had a lovely counter canter and had such a looooooong neck that I always had to buy extra long reins for him. My trainer (Gail Murray) called him a Cadillac because of that long front end. :slight_smile:

I’d love to know what ever came of him. Any leads anyone? I’ll dig up some pics and post them in a minute.