Looking for black and white Shetland mare -ohio or tristate

I’m trying to find the only foal of our black and white shetland mare. She was 40 inches when I sold her as a 4 year old. Beautiful coloring. She looks like she is wearing a white tux. She has a star that is the shape of an old time key but the most defining characteristic is that she has a white marking on the left side of her face right next to the corner of her mouth. Everyone always thinks its a scar but she was born with it. We called her Fiona. The last I heard of her she was living in Ashland, Ohio. But that was about 5 years ago.

I’m looking for her because her mother, Oreo ( who we had her whole life,) along with our other horses died in a barn fire on July 27th. I just want to know that Fiona is ok.

I think about her all the time and I’m hoping to find her. I have pictures of her when I sold her at the age of 4 if anyone thinks they might know her.

I tried contacting the last family that had her, but they havn’t returned by phone calls or letters.

Here are pictures from when I sold her. Someone please help me find her.

