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Looking for Boarding Barns in Northern Virginia


I am looking for a boarding barn in the Northern Virginia area for my semi-retired hunter/jumper show horse. I live in Alexandria and am looking to keep her close so I can see her frequently. I understand that finding an area close to Alexandria might be difficult so I am fine with the Vienna/Mclean area. I have been to a couple of barns in the area but have not been impressed. I am looking for a place that will provide basic care ( i.e. feed twice a day, stall cleaning, turn out at least once a day- weather dependent, blanketing in winter- can be in addition to board). She is a pretty easy and laid back mare. I have had to leave two barns because of poor barn management so having a barn with good horse care is a top priority for me. It could be a small private barn with a couple of horses on property to a large training barn. We have been at both. It doesn’t have to be a hunter barn either. If anyone has any leads for me that would be great!


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