Looking for Dark Bay 1999 TB mare sold by Dunlavin Eventing in 2006 to buyer in NJ.

I sold my 1999 dark bay TB mare “Bailey” through Dunlavin Eventing (Sinead Halpin and Rebecca Howard) in Middleburg, Va. in 2006. Bailey was sold to a woman in NJ.

I now have my own farm and would love nothing more than to have her back, but I would settle for knowing she is making someone as happy as she made me. She was a horse of a lifetime. I purchased her two days after her last race in California, brought her across the country with me to college and she and I competed up to preliminary level.

She has a very distinctive front leg marking. It looks like a grey mottled (almost like a heeler’s color or an aussie) pattern and goes up to and a bit over her knee). Her other three legs are white and she has a blaze. She also was stepped on as a foal and subsequently is missing half of her lower incisors.

I evented her under the name “Made Ya Look” but her USEA info was never transferred. Her barn name was Bailey and she would whinny when you called her name or whistled.

If anyone has seen her or is in contact with her owner I would love to find out where she is now and hopefully get her back someday.

Thank you!