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Looking for dressage lessons in Greater Atlanta, GA


I am looking to get back into riding after a six year hiatus and have decided to take up dressage (previously h/j). Am currently living and working in Atlanta, GA, but am ok driving for good instruction.

I’m not a newbie to the sport and worked in the h/j industry at an A show barn in Indiana (we travelled all over and wintered in Wellington), but know that proper instruction in dressage will be key to developing long term good habits and getting rid of my old ones.

I don’t currently own a horse, so I would need a trainer that has a horse they could teach me on or at least a schoolmaster for possible lease.

Please let me know if you all have any suggestions! I Have been away from the eq community for too long and I’m ready to start my dressage journey!


https://www.revelationfarm.com Danielle is a delight.

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I’m interested too, so following.

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Welcome!! Shannondale Farms in Milton might have a schoolmaster that you could ride and take lessons. Good luck and let us know what you end up doing!!

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I will try to keep this post updated with my findings and where I end up. Right now it looks like I won’t be able to start riding until the fall since my job in midtown is starting to require long hours, but I am hoping to audit the Kathy Conolly clinic at Shannondale in September.

Good luck to anyone showing this summer!

Thanks LRemsATL regarding showing! I hope you can make it to Shannondale in September. Check their website as there are other clinicians coming as well. Beautiful facility!! Oh and you may want to check out the GDCTA website for additional information regarding clinics and trainers in the area. Good luck!!