Looking for good trainers in Northern California - Bay area

Thought I’d post this on this forum as my initial interest is getting my young horse correctly started and exposed to trails. I have a three year old Arabian gelding, on the small side (14+ hands ) that I would like to get exposure to the big outdoors in a way to build his confidence and strength slowly and surely. This horse is a rescue and has a lovely, thoughtful character and he is a pleaser but while not spooky, neither is he overly confident - but tries hard for those he trusts. While I plan to get him started this summer, I’m in no hurry to get him anywhere to do anything or be anything, but do feel that he would benefit from getting out and about some this summer and get good basics started and ideally light riding or ponying on trails and trail traffic, such as bikers, cows, etc as our trail area is a shared environment. Looking for common sense, compassionate trainer preferably in the Bay area of San Francisco where I can be involved on a weekly basis but am willing to send further out to the right person. Please PM me with any recommendations - thank you!

I don’t have any recommendations as I don’t live in that area anymore, but your horse is really cute! (if it is “Boo” in your signature link)

You might try posting on Bay Area Equestrian Network. I think they will have more recommendations. (I’m too far north of you in the Sierra foothills to be any help).


Lyss, how are you? Still think about MiMi and Lucy all the time, any updates on them? I now have my own Half-Arabian, it’s been interesting :wink:

Are you still in Sonoma County? Maybe contact Kristin and see if she has any suggestions, she is great with starting young horses

Hi PP,

Get updates on Lucy frequently and she is doing well! I’ll check out your recommendation - I have two rescues actually and looking forward to starting the older one, Regal…who I will add is going to stay pony sized :slight_smile:

Thanks again!