Looking for hunter jumper barn that offers outdoor board near St Augustine/ Jacksonville, Florida areas

I am moving to Florida in 2 weeks and would like to find a hunter jumper barn that offers outdoor board! Names of barns would be greatly appreciated!

You don’t want outdoor boarding in the summer here. The heat and the bugs are horrible especially if coming from a colder area.

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Outdoor boarding is as good as, if not better than, stall board, depending on the daytime shade options.

When I lived in Florida, my horses had two outside options. One was a pasture with two big oak trees side-by-side (trees fenced off to prevent chewing on the bark) that cast great shade all day long. The other was a pasture with a big, open-sided run-in shed that on the two sunny sides had ground-to-roof panels of shade cloth hanging. They loved to stand in that curtained corner.

They vastly preferred those outside options to standing in a stall in front of a fan.

I sprayed them with fly spray twice/day at feeding times and before and after riding and kept fly masks on.

For pasture board I would try J&S Performance Horses, Picalata Farm, Penney Farms, or Peak Performance Horses. I’ve seen these places recommend on our local FB group but don’t have any personal experience. The Jax area is unfortunately not the horsiest area for big farms but has quite a bit of privately owned farms you can find through FB groups. I find most of the bigger farms you will be looking at only offer stall board.

The summer can be brutal if they are out all the time so just make sure whatever farm you pick has the proper care and shelter for dealing with the heat and bugs.