Looking for info from previous owners pony/mini

would just love a little history on either of they guys.

“Indy” was purchased from Heritage in Mass (the barn not the auction) 2 years ago this past december. He is a paint pony. white/bay about 8-10 years old and 13.3/14 hands. Has a fleck of blue in his left eye and the bay spot on his left side is merled (has white flecks in it). He supposedly came from a lesson barn in Mass. Knows how to jump and is just a nice and fun pony.

My new mini is in quarrantine. His AMHA registered name is supposed to be “Peppercorn Foxy boy”. He is a little bay gelding 13 yrs. Obtained from ac4h broker lot.

The third of my lot is a horse whose previous owner (also trainer/breeder) i was able to find. It was so nice learning more about him and getting to share his pictures/acheivements with her. I’d love to have that for the other boys!

thanks for any info, i have pics of both…