Looking for info: Miss Savannah, chestnut TB mare in New England

The horse is happily munching hay at her home in NH, but we can’t find any of her history. I bought her from a lady in Lunnenburg, MA in August of 2010. That lady had only owned her for about six months, and I don’t know what her history was before that. What we do know is that she was bred at one point (physical evidence), and rumor has it that she had a colt. I was told that she is a registered TB with the name Miss Savannah, but I didn’t find a match for her with the JC.

She is now about eight years old, chestnut with a star and stripe, only a thumb print of white on her front left leg. She has an old bow on her front right with some scarring and a scar on her left hind. The story I got was that she put it through a fence.

Reportedly she did jumping up to 2’9" and event training with a previous owner. She did take to ditches and banks very well, so I suspect this is true. If this girl’s previous owners/breeder is out there, I’d love to hear from them. She’s doing very well as a BN eventer now and will probably do her first sanctioned event this summer as ‘Can’t Drive 55’.

Recent picture: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1770827667942&set=a.1770819707743.2090485.1156746033&type=1&theater

If that doesn’t work, I have tons of pictures and video on my blog.


It doesn’t look like I can edit the original message, so adding on here:

I did find out that she is probably from Minnesota and that Savannah is part of her registered name, but it might not be Miss Savannah. Thanks!