Looking for info on Mustang from Nokesville, VA

I bought a 1998 15.2hh dun mustang gelding in November from a lady named Susan in Nokesville, Virginia. She did not have his papers. He is a BLM mustang with a freezebrand but it is very hard to read even when I shave it. So basically my attempts to find any of his background information has been a waste. She owned him for five years and bought him from a trail riding place in Maryland that was near an airport. She could not remember the name of the place. He was taken off the range as a one year old. I am his third owner. If anyone has any information they can give me it would make me very happy. His name is Ziggy but she named him that because she said he did not have a name when she got him. I’ve tried talking to the BLM but since the freezebrand is hard to read and I don’t have the papers they haven’t been very helpful.

This picture is not the best because he is dirty but he has two front white socks with black points. He has one white sock on his left hind. The right hind is black. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j284/horselover410/DSCN0485.jpg

