Ok, I know this is a stretch, but I am trying to find information on a mare that I purchased as a rescue in Central Texas. I have no background info on her (she came from a horse trader, and he wouldn’t give me any contact info for previous owners).
She is around 5 years old, 14 hh, has a small umbilical hernia and a scar on the right side of her chest where it looks like she ran into a t-post or something similar. She looks like a cremello at first glance (white/ blue eyes), but I believe she is a gold cream champagne (she has freckles everywhere!). Very sweet disposition. Has foaled previously, and was pregnant when I purchased her (foaled May 16th). According to the horse trader, he got her in November/December. She was apparently in good health when he purchased her; however, she was extremely underweight when I got her. I am fairly certain she’s QH, but she didn’t come with papers.
The only info I could get from trader on her previous owners were that they also had a frame bay overo stud with two blue eyes at the time he purchased her.
I did send off hair yesterday to have her color tested (to satisfy my curiosity), and will update with results when I find out what color she actually is.
I have tons of pictures of her if you want to see what she looks like- PM me and I’ll give you the link.
Any information you have about her (possible previous owners, where she came from, who she is, what she was bred to- anything!) would be greatly, greatly appreciated.