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Looking for jumper barn in Norfolk, VA area

Casually looking for a jumper barn in the Norfolk, VA area for a potential move in a couple of years. I have a fantastic jumper who I send to the A circuit shows (just started my career so I don’t have a ton of time to show right now, but that will hopefully change). We may be moving to Norfolk, so I want to start looking for barns early because I know how long the process can take. Looking for a laid-back A circuit barn that doesn’t require a Florida stay. Anyone have any suggestions?

I rode with Adam Smith in Virginia Beach when I lived in Norfolk and really enjoyed my time there. He’s at a different location than when I was out there, so I can’t speak on the barn itself, but he’s a great instructor. He does A shows, but it was a more laid back atmosphere than the typical A barn and I don’t believe they go to FL. This is his current barn page:

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There are two main A show barns in the Hampton Roads area and they both almost exclusively do the hunters. Neither of them require a trip to Florida, but the option may be there. The programs are quite different, but both are successful. There are, of course, other barns that do a mix of local and A shows, but I believe most of them also focus more on the hunters.

Are you able to keep your guy schooled up at home and meet a jumper trainer at shows? If so, there are a couple of good folks in the Richmond area and in southern Maryland that are much more jumper oriented (Sulu Rose Reed, Katherine Schmidt Butler, Patty Foster).

Best of luck with your move!

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That’s kind of what I was worried about. I’ve been so spoiled in NoVa with all the jumper barns lol

Your closest option for a jumper focused program is going to be Sulu Rose Reed in Richmond area.