Looking for Leo's Sleek Rascal 9 yr. old American Paint Horse

Looking for the APHA gelding I sold in December of 2011. I sold him to a girl in Pennsylvania who sold him just a few months later. His registered name was Leo’s Sleek Rascal and he would be 9 years old. I would just like to know that he has a good home and would like to keep in touch with his owner and I owned and raised him from the time he was 6 months old until I sold him. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.436296163923.237164.514128923&type=3

This link will take you to pictures of him. If you have any information I would appreciate it.

the link was apparently broken please try this one. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.436296163923.237164.514128923&type=3


his picture is on this page if you scroll down.
Thanks, not sure why the other links won’t work.