Looking for Lyme literate dr in Ft.Myers area-will travel 2+ hours if needed

Due to my 10+ year struggle with Lyme, etc, I have “temporarily” relocated to the Ft. Myers/Naples area to refocus. I had prior plans of a clinical trial for Lyme but it imploded and since my life is currently in storage in NC, I’m staying with my parents for a few months until I can get some bearings on what to do next.
I’m hoping someone knows of a dr that will accept Lyme disease as a diagnosis and perhaps take me on. I’m also in desperate need of a pain Mgt dr as well so any advice/help/dr’s info (message me privately) would be greatly appreciated.
Just an FYI, the Sponagle Clinic is out due to $$$???.

I ll be following closely …


Try asking on Lymenet.org or facebook groups.

Here’s the link for the gulf coast support group.


Not in the area at all but Dr. Jemsek in DC takes patients from all over the world. I believe they can do a lot of appointments remotely.

Good luck, it is a terrible disease, I know!

I’ve started out with Dr. Jemsek when he was in SC and followed him to DC until I became to ill to safely travel alone back and forth to DC:no:.
I guess this temporary relocation is a last ditch attempt to get this frustrating disease into some form of remission.
I did find an “internist” in the area who states he treats Lyme as well. Slipping in under the radar with my UTI issues, hoping it will be a crumb that will lead him to the source of that and everything else.

My farriers dad uses a doctor in Lakeland. I can get his name if you want it.

That would be amazing. You can message me if you prefer

I go to Dr. Kaye in Gainesville. Haile Medical Group is the name of the practice. She is awesome. Been battling this for almost two years exactly. Sorry your also dealing with it :frowning: