Looking for mare sold in California

:cry: Hi,
I’m looking for a black mare with a white snip, white spot on forehead and one white sock on right hind foot. I sold her 20 years ago but feel the need to find her now. The people I sold her to were supposed to let me know if they wanted to return her but instead they sold at action in Riverside, CA I believe to a girl wanting her for gymkhana or barrel racing. This may sound stupid but after putting a picture of her up I have a deep need to find her. She would be 28 now but you may not know her exact age. I regret with all my heart letting her go and would do whatever it takes to get her back if she’s still alive. I would like to know any info about either way. I have never been so sad in my live as I am now. I cry everyday for this horse that I loved so dearly. Please help me find her.