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Looking for my childhood horse

Hello, I’m looking for any information I can find on locating my childhood hunter/eq horse that we “sold” around 2009-2010. The last information I was given was that he was in the care of someone named Clark Whitaker in Virginia, sent to Clark by Bobby Braswell.

When I had him his name was Enzo, show name “Vitruvian”. He’s a 2002 grey 16.2 hh Dutch Warmblood TB cross with two front socks. I’m sure he’s gotten lighter by now that he’s around 21 yo, but attaching a picture for reference. If anyone recognizes this horse, I’d greatly appreciate any info! Thank you.


I couldn’t find any recent contact info for Clark Whitaker, I’m guessing Clark has retired from horses? You might try locating his daughter, Michelle Hemingway. She works with TBs in the Ocala area of Florida.

I believe she was involved with Clark’s sale business during the time period.


I actually found her on Facebook and reached out but haven’t gotten much info there. But great find! I was riding in the PA area back then so I wish I knew more people in the VA horse scene.

I did a quick lookup on USEF and it shows that he is owned out of Pheonixville PA now. Pm me and I can send you the info I found!

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Coming back to reply - that may have been you! And from what I see, he hasn’t shown since.