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Looking for orchard grass-SoCal

I am looking to buy 30-50 bales anyone know of a good grower to buy from? Thanks in advance!!!

Were you able to find one?

There is an advertizer on craigslist ( los angeles area) selling orchard for $16 a bale with a minimum order of 100 bales. I do not have room for 100 bales and can not find anyone near me so I could divide shipment/costs.
The craigslist link:

Any updates? I’m looking for hay too. I’d be willing to take 25, and could probably find someone else to go in too.

Any updates? I’m looking for hay too. I’d be willing to take 25, and could probably find someone else to go in too.[/QUOTE]

I can take 26 bales if I can get it cheaper than the feed stores in Norco. PM me if you find something and need me to go in with you…

I was able to find places that are cheaper than the Norco feed stores. I currently am buying from Tonys and I believe its 22.95 a bale.

I tried the above listed Craigslist ad and the broker pretty much jerked me around for 3 weeks. Everyday the story was different, kept telling me my load that I was splitting had left or was leaving the next day,the next Monday,blah,blah,blah. Finally he admitted that he couldn’t find a grower that would accept a credit card. Contacted a few other places and wouldnt ship less than 300 bales and I do not have room for even half that. I would still like to split a load with someone so if anyone has any leads let me know. Thanks!!