Skip was born in 1991 and is a registered paint horse, sorrel with a flaxen mane and tail, a perfect “wishbone” shaped white spot on his neck, one back stocking that tapers to a point on top, a bald face (but no blue eyes) with white tapered markings on either side of his face that make him look like he’s smiling, and a white spot on his belly. His registered name is Skipper Amigos Lad, but he always went by Skip and was also shown under the name I.C. Spots.
In 1998 we were involved in a trailer accident on 285 in Atlanta and his thoracic nerves were damaged to the point where he was very unsound on both fronts and the vet said “if it grows back, it will take years”. I was VERY young so my parents made the executive decision to retire him to a farm in Ellerslie, GA called Begin Again Farms, where he was subsequently adopted/sold to a family near Albany, GA. The farm has lost contact with the new owners and don’t know of his whereabouts after that.
Just wondering if anyone knows of his whereabouts or if he’s still around. I would love to adopt him back and retire him to a big green pasture. He was my first love. :sadsmile: