Looking for some experiences with chronic pain and diagnosis....

Warning - absolute novel of a post. If you have chronic pain or experience with it, read on. If not, you might want to run away now:)

In my teens I developed an issue with my shoulder which became a problem with my riding – I dropped it, causing me to tip down to the left, which in turn caused my elbow to pop out, etc – I would also build more muscle on that side, and with overuse it would have a burning, gnawing pain, and the skin on my shoulder and upper back would go numb and tingly.

At 17 I also developed a lower back injury that was horribly chronic. I got x-rays which showed a slight curvature in my spine, but it was deemed to be not an issue. Doctors suggested I put a lift in my shoe to help the dropped shoulder, or gave me Celebrex, or just joked that I was too young for these sorts of problems. I had to stop riding, which was devastating. I worked to ride, and if I couldn’t work I couldn’t ride.

Fast forward about five years, and gradually, it got better. I would wake up mornings and not notice it, my posture improved, I thought it was gone. I thought that maybe stopping riding caused the muscles to go away, and I had straightened back up. It didn’t droop as noticeably, and would only hurt when I worked really hard. In short, things were good, and I was able to start riding again.

Unfortunately, the shoulder started up with a vengeance again last year and over the next six months it crept back to the point that it’s now ten times worse than it ever was. Sitting, walking, basically anything but laying flat triggers it, I drop it forward and down, causing me to drop my neck, and I now have neck pain constantly with grinding and popping and terrible pain. It feels like a struggle to hold my head up.

The shoulder pain itself is centered equidistant between my shoulder blade and spine, and at its best is a burning, nagging, exhausting pain, and at its worse feels like a red-hot gnawing. When I’m lying on the ground trying to hysterically describe it to my mom, I say things like – a wolverine is in my shoulder and eating its way out – or – someone is digging under my shoulder blade with a red hot spoon, over and over. That’s me trying to be as descriptive as possible:)

I’ve developed grinding noises under the shoulder blade itself, and when I touch the area along my spine up to my neck, it’s like an electric shock, whooshing feeling. Sometimes I’ll feel circulation rush back into the area with little pinpricks. Recently it’s affecting my left arm as well – I can no longer hold contact in the rein when I ride, and if I try to hold a whip it flops around and I eventually drop it. Coffee cups, plates, things like that, I’ve been dropping and spilling more. Trying to do things with my left hand feels like when I was a little kid – kind of clumsy and not very coordinated. Riding is awful – I can’t hold a steady outside rein to the right, and I have a weird, stiff, braced position through my upper body.

Advil does absolutely nothing - doesn’t touch it.

I guess I’m just looking to see if anyone has anything similar, or any suggestions on where to start with diagnosis. I’m exhausted. I’ve been to local GPs, and they don’t really have anything to tell me - rest it, sit up straight, take some meds. I’m very analytical, and I think I overwhelm them with detailed descriptions of when/why/how this happens. My sister, who’s a nurse, thinks I have fibromyalgia, but I don’t seem to fit all the symptoms. Anyone who has ideas, experiences, anything at all, I really appreciate your feedback.

First off, I want to say that I understand chronic pain. I live daily with it. And when I forget about it, it reminds me.
Having said that, the first thing that I would suggest is to find a Dr. that understands pain and pain management. Have you seen an orthopedic Dr? It sounds to me like you last had a diagnostic test when you were 17 - an x-ray. Did I read that right? I would think that an MRI would be in order here. Dropping items would be a huge red flag for me.
I’m not sure by your location where you live. If you are overseas, I don’t have a grasp of the medical community abroad and the availability of services and diagnostic tests. But if you live in the states, please don’t allow someone to pat you on the head and tell you that your pain isn’t real. You need a Dr. that will take your pain seriously and explore with you why there is pain and how to manage it. Many times there can be several options.
Cyber hugs to you. Chronic pain can be life altering.

Get a referral to an orthopaedic specialist and a good physiotherapist…

Good luck, chronic pain is tough to deal with at the best of times, never mind when your doc won’t listen to you. Gentle hugs!

A subject that I am unfortunately all too familiar with. What you describe sounds like how I would describe the recurrent trigger point associated with my left scapula. I would suggest looking for an osteopath for an evaluation.

I have a chronically tense muscle where you describe (but on the right side), although not as much pain, and certainly no dropping of objects. I suggest a thorough medical workup. I also suggest some Bowen treatments. That really helped me.

Thanks so much for everyone’s feedback. An MRI is my next appt, so that should rule some stuff out I hope. My issue has been choosing the kind of specialist to go to next, and the recommendations of physiotherapist or orthopaedist sound like a really good start. Thanks again, and my sympathy to everyone who has something like this - it really makes you so cranky and tired and I can’t wait to get some answers!

What they said. I’m glad you’re getting an MRI - although if it’s nerve damage it most likely won’t show up. I had a 3 hour MRN at Johns Hopkins and nada.

This was the “end of the line” doctor I saw who finally set me free from pain, just to give you an idea of the kind of doctor you might want to see:


Yes, an orthopedic specialist and an MRI to see why it keeps flaring up.

Don’t let the nerve pain become permanent nerve damage - your body is too precious and you are too young.

I feel for you. I understand. I have been dealing with chronic pain, and what ever the heck seems to be wrong with me for around 10 years. When it first started it was in my legs and the pain was so bad that I started inquiring about wheelchairs. Well I dont know how many doctors I have seen or tests that have been run, here we are all this time later and no answers. The only thing that helps is diet, exercise, hydro therepy, massage, herbs, etc. These things help but dont cure.

There have been all sorts of possible things like MS, Fibermyalga, Lupus, etc, but no rock solid this is it. After 10 years I have given up. I cant work, and I cant get disability, so we have been on 1 income all this time. It has been not so fun to say the least. I have altered my lifestyle, by cutting back to the point there is not much left of who and what I used to be. Now as I live in the north, old man winter is coming and I am NOT looking forward to it. I will be in a lot more pain and I will be a lot more isolated because I dont like to go out much. So kinda glum about that.

I ended up on COTH because of my DD who suggested it, just for a little chat and amusement. But I am not good at posting because of my dang hands dont listen so well.(I drop things too) And I have brain fog. It gets discouraging when posters make fun of grammatical skills when you struggle just to type something. Needless to say this has been not so good of a day for me and I am a touch down.
I do so hope you find your answer as you are much younger than me.

I understand chronic pain too well for my young age. I lived with that exact pain you described for decades. It is only recently I noticed it is gone. Mine is a LONG stiry but feel free to PM me sometime if any of this rings a bell. Mine left after tethered cord release surgery in February. I was found to have occult tethered cord after I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility Type http://www.cfids.org/pdf/joint-hypermobility-guide.pdf I also had recurrent and chronic sacroiliac dysfunction (still do) that sets my body up to be crooked feom the bottom up. This may mean nothing to you but please read the PDF by Dr. Pocinki. He is one of the better docs regarding EDS and it is written in layman’s language. If any of it sounds familiar then I encourage you to visit www.ednf.org or PM me to talk more. All I know is I realized after surgery that burning spot was gone.

I understand alot of what you are saying, I have some of the same issue. I have thoracic scoliosis and it causes major shoulder and neck problems. I wear lifts in both shoes which has given me better balance. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a number of years ago. I live with chronic pain. I see a pain management specialist and he is great, more holistic than a drug pusher. inflammation I found out was a BIG problem, since I cut out or limited white flour and refined sugar thinks have been better. I also get trigger point injections. they help for the most part as far as relief but they dont last long, a few weeks at the most. try looking for a good pain clinic and see what they offer as far as treatments. hope you feel better soon!

I have loads of similar issues but mine all stem from my neck c5-c6 mostly some c7 and originate with a car accident a long, long time ago. What my neurologist would tell you is that numbness is always nerves so perhaps you have an impinged nerve somewhere. In addition to an MRI of your neck and shoulder perhaps also get yourself a good neurologist. They are diagnosticians and will likely refer you to various other specialists like an orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist but they can also perform valuable diagnostic tests such as an EMG and a nerve conduction study. You need someone who will put the whole story together. IMO that should be a neurologist. If you just go to a bunch of random specialists you’ll get a fragmented and confusing story with many conflicting opinions. Very best of luck. Chronic issues can definitely subside for awhile and then get flared up again.

OP, any updates? I hope you have found some relief.