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Looking for trainer/instructor for green horse - Great Falls VA

Hello, I’m looking for a trainer for a 9 yr old paint mare. She is under saddle and has the sweetest temperament. Had a little bobble in her training, through no fault of her own, and was given some time off before we started her again this summer with Julien Beaugnon. Was doing fantastically but Julien moved out of state, so now I’m once again looking for a kind, sensitive trainer, who listens to the horse and takes their time. We are not interested in competition dressage, we want dressage to help this lovely paint mare use her body correctly and build confidence. Please send me some recommendations of trainers willing to travel to Great Falls VA to work with me. Thank you :slight_smile:


You should please update your subject line to include the area you’re looking in. These forums are nationwide/international so it would help narrow down.


It’s included in the post - Great Falls, VA, though in the title would be better.


Yes, that’s why I said “please update your subject line.”


Good Luck in your search!