Two Arab geldings were given to a woman in Culpeper, VA late this Summer by a friend of mine. The woman claimed to be running a therapeutic riding program and apparently had a nice website that is no longer working. The geldings were free and my friend (as well as one of his coworkers) made it clear to the woman that she was to return the horses if for any reason she couldn’t keep them. She told him that she understood and agreed to this. There was nothing in writing to protect the geldings, they did not do a site check or ask for references. The horses are gone and the woman running the 'therapeutic riding center" has not returned phone calls for over two months.
Both geldings are about 15 hands and in their mid to late teens. One is a chestnut with a wide white blaze that goes down to his chin and two high white hind socks. The other is a bay with a narrow white strip from a bit below his eyes that widens and goes down below his nostril. He also has two white socks - both on the right and going just over his fetlocks. I have photos of both horses (don’t know how to post them).
Though I haven’t met these horses, I’m told that they are kind and quiet. We’re hoping that somebody has them and is caring for them. I’m afraid that they were sold to a local dealer and may have been sent to slaughter. I hope that I’m wrong.
If you have any info on them, please let me know. Thanks.