A horse has gone missing - fully tacked in western gear - in the Freetown State Forest (Freetown, MA - near Fall River) after her rider had an unplanned dismount on Saturday 11/26/11.
She’s not my mare, I’m just trying to help because I’m chained to my desk and the owner is out searching every day.
Here’s a couple of news reports:
And this FB page has been created for coordinating / tracking resources and info:
NetPosse listing:
Please: if anyone is in the SE New England area and can help search, or if you know people / organizations in the area and can even just share the info, it would be greatly appreciated.
The owner has hired private planes / helicopters to try to search from the air. A couple of “tracking dogs” have been utilized. News outlets have been alerted and the area has been plastered with posters. It is deer hunting season, and most hunters that searchers have encountered are aware that the horse is out there somewhere. Searchers have tried playing audio of whinnying horses, and others have tried separating herd-bound horses to get them to call out. Suggestions for any other search tactics would be welcome. I will gladly forward suggestions to the owner.
BTW, if any of this sounds familiar, yes: there was another horse lost in the exact same area, under similar circumstances in 2008; that one did not have a happy ending, we’re hoping for a different outcome this time!
Thanks very much for reading, and even more for helping!