Low back pain.

My oh my I hurt my back like I’ve never done before. Yowza. I’ve never had spasms before. They really suck:eek:

Farrier tells me “you’ve got to do stretches for your lower back. They hurt like hell but you have to do them if you want it to get better. Look them up on the internet.” I found these http://www.webmd.com/back-pain/exercises-to-reduce-low-back-pain#

Any other suggestions? Websites? etc

Ice it. It sucks but it works. You’ll be amazed how fast an ice pack on your back can drop your core temp, so be sure you’re somewhere warm.

Acupuncture. It’s great for muscular issues.

Yes, I am icing. Unfortunately, I hurt it 12 days ago, and it was several days before I could slow down/really got to the point where I could NOT do anything at all. I was so uncomfortable just hand watering the ring yesterday I had to rock back and forth to keep my muscles from seizing up.

Acupuncture is an idea, though I’ve never done it. I was thinking massage too.

Look up pelvic tilt. That’s a great exercise. The key is to lay on your back and really press the low back into the floor. You can do that with the pelvic tilt.
You can also keep your back pressed down and bring one leg to your chest at a time, stretching out the leg and lower back.
You can also stretch one leg across your body.
Practicing good posture helps. Slumping or bending is more likely to aggravate the low back than arching.
Massage really helps.
And I second (third?) ice for reducing swelling.
Good luck!! Low back pain is frustrating!!
I had PT for low back pain 7-8 years ago and have not had any problems since (knock wood). Core stability and strengthening exercises will help long-term.

This guy’s series of back stretches has worked wonders for me. The tip is to consciously breathe through the stretch, and not hold your breath (as one tends to do when in pain).

See a doctor, you may have herniated a disc.

agree with see your doctor, but I’ll also tell you what has helped me tremendously- getting in the hot tub. seriously. about 7 years ago I broke 2 vertebrae and was in a “body cast” for months and I still have issues with it. nothing has helped more than getting in the hot tub every night (usually) and sitting in a deep seat with jets focused on my lower back. It really helps more than any medication or exercise I’ve done.

If you hurt it 12 days ago skip the ice and go to heat to relax the muscles and improve the blood flow for repair. I also like something like Icy Hot for when you need to be on the move - the key is to keep the muslces from spasming.

And don’t laugh but a glass a wine won’t hurt - a doctor recommended it to me years ago when I couldn’t tolerate the muscle relaxants/painkiller combo after an injury and haven’t used a Rx since for 2 bulging discs and a bone spur in my neck and spinal stenosis in my lower back.

When the farrier heard how busted I was he said “you hurt a disc. Lets just pull all the horse’s shoes. You’re not going to be riding for 6 weeks anyway…” That punk! But his advice for my back helped, so I guess I have to say ‘Thanks Bob Kass’ anyway! :slight_smile:

If you hurt it 12 days ago skip the ice and go to heat to relax the muscles and improve the blood flow for repair. I also like something like Icy Hot for when you need to be on the move - the key is to keep the muslces from spasming.

And don’t laugh but a glass a wine won’t hurt - a doctor recommended it to me years ago when I couldn’t tolerate the muscle relaxants/painkiller combo after an injury and haven’t used a Rx since for 2 bulging discs and a bone spur in my neck and spinal stenosis in my lower back.[/QUOTE]

I can’t lie, vodka has helped. Ice helps withe the spasms. So does moving around on the physio ball. Sitting and standing are bad. Slow walking isn’t terrible. Horses crashing into me really sucks!!

The farrier has a hot tub, but he is over in Bucks County and I think the drive will probably negate the benefit!! Plus, he’d like it too much!

My recipe: (1) ICE (2) ARNICA gel (3) lots of ibuprofen–we’re talking about 2400 mgs a day. Keep doing your stretches, follow my recipe, and I swear you’ll be much better in 3 days. (Even if it is a disc.)

EH I am going to give that a try. Thanks.

i second the arnica and add comfrey leaves too. alternate comfrey and arnica gel and it’s very healing for bruises. if it’s a disc i don’t know if it will help, probably oughta see a doctor as soon as you can.

[QUOTE=Isabeau Z Solace;6661105]
EH I am going to give that a try. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

But better still does not mean great. When I had herniated discs the only thing that helped me was nerve roots blocks, and finally radio frequency lesioning (like a neurectomy.) That worked 100% pain free for about 18 months, Then the discs shrank back, and I was pretty good again until arthritis set in. I rode throughout the whole thing–I found that if you are going to be in pain anyway, might as well ride!!
P.S. Take your ibuprofen with food, and if it still bothers your stomach take some Prilosec OTC or Zantac with it. Good luck.

I always find heat works best on a muscle pain (ice when it’s bone related). I have a gel pad thing that you heat in the microwave that’s very good, as are those belt/wrap things.

Hope you recover soon!

[QUOTE=Isabeau Z Solace;6657239]
I can’t lie, vodka has helped.[/QUOTE]

Do you drink it or pour it on your back? :lol:

Hope you feel better! My significant other suffers with chronic back pain and was helped significantly by acupuncture. He also does stretches.

Mass doses of Vitamin-I (as the older gals call it 'round here…) have helped. The muscles feel a lot better but I can tell something else is still ‘busted.’ But life’s a lot more fun again without the muscles spasms and soreness. So now I guess I know what ‘real’ back pain means!!

Try the back on track products, they make a number of BOT items just for humans. I bought the mini-blanket after my recent back injury to sleep on, put on my chair at work, etc. works great to keep the muscles warm and loose. They also make a back brace, but I didn’t need to support, just the warmth. Or you can try the t-shirt. Mare also has a tight back so I have the full sheet for her - goes on her before and after a ride.


Do a search on this forum on back pain and you should get a lot of good suggestions.