Low back problems

Hi, all. I am looking for some insight when it comes to injections, etc. I was in a rear end car collision last May, and have gotten progressively worse. I initially did Chiropractic, and it mildly helped, so I pressed on and showed my two dressage horses. By the end of the season, I was miserable even with massage and chiro, but because I got rear ended while working, I was stuck in workers comp land. I finally talked to an attorney who said I can see any dr I want(workers’ comp said I had to use theirs and was to PT to no avail). My Dr. Ordered and MRI finding 2 bulging discs in my neck, and 2 in my back L4-L5 and L5-S1. He took my MRI to his panel of specialists because he didn’t agree with what the radiologist found. They all decided that my neck should get injected but my back should heal over time. So I chose to try some high quality PT before jumping in to injections. I have not ridden to speak of since October. I had 2 huge flare ups with my back that left me unable to move and in a huge amount of pain. I ended up getting facet injections a week and a half ago. I was feeling about 70% better, so on Thursday I got on my PSG horse after my trainer warmed him up and did a little canter work. I started to feel sore, so I quit after 15 minutes. I woke up Friday a little more sore, but got progressively worse throughout the day and had to resort to pain meds. I was told the injections take a full 2 weeks to heal, but my Dr. warned that if my discs are also flared, then that would require an epidural. He could not guarantee that he could get me well enough to ride anymore. The problem is I have a 17 year old horse ready to do the I1, and I can’t afford anymore time off for either of us if I want to do the FEI this year. I can’t afford for my trainer to ride him while I sort out my back problem either. I am so depressed and tired of hurting. Has anyone had similar issues that were resolved with these injections? If so how long did it take before you could ride again? I also have a young mare I am bringing along, and hate to watch her miss out on all the training. This was to be her year. I would love any advice or tips to help get me back in the saddle. I have not been cleared to work out yet, and I know that strengthening my core with help. Any other tips would be greatly appreciated.

Injections just make you a little more comfortable while things heal. Or they don’t. I don’t want to be too discouraging but these things often take years. It is worth trying an epidural. They can also do a rhizotomy to dull the pain if the facet blocks helped.

Just missed a week of work due to lower back pain. It sucks. Be careful with pain meds and injections… you don’t want anything that rushes the healing process.

I’ve known people on such good pain meds they would do way more than they should and cause serious complications.

Do you rotate ice and heat therapy?

Don’t go surgery route unless you are in unbearable agony. It took me a year to heal before I could ride again.

Now when lower back pain strikes I rotate hot and cold packs, take anti inflammatories, and only take muscle relaxers and pain meds once right before bed.

Normally I’m up and around after a day or two, this is the worst I’ve had in almost a decade.

My mare is sitting out in the pasture as well, but nothing is more important than healing right.

Laurierace, have you had a rhizotomy? The Dr.'s at the surgical center where I got the facet injections made it sound like I would be back to riding the next day. My Dr. did not make any such promises however. I sure hope it isn’t years. That is my worst fear. AmarachAcres, I do mostly ice, ad I prefer it, but could try heat as well. I also had a week off of work, which is when I decided on the facet injections. I was on way too much meds for my taste. 5 days later, then I could just do NSAIDS during the day and muscle relaxers and pain meds at night. Until I rode. Today I am better, but of course, I am not well enough to try to ride. I will try almost anything but surgery.

Yes, I had one. It did not help me.

I have a herniated disc at L5-S1 that’s about 12 years old. When I first injured it I went through PT but never had injections. I did end up finding someone to half lease my horse because I couldn’t comfortably sit in a saddle - that lasted a few months. When I did get back to riding my doctor prescribed a corset type back brace. I wore it religiously (only when riding) for the first year, then eased back to only needing it when I jump. It was definitely a bigger brace than anything they sell for general riding, think extending from just below rib cage to hip bones, but it made a big difference for me. I hate to say it, but IME you almost need to stop riding while you get the flare up under control, then maybe something like a brace would help.

Thanks Ricky’s Rider I will check into a back brace when I see my Dr on Wed. No more riding until this is behind me (hopefully soon)!

My back flared up again, it sucks. Truly hope you are on the mend.

I have spinal stenosis, I believe C5 through C7. I had the injections and it took a good month to get the full effect. Fine since then but I had about given up when things turned around. I would also be one to use the corset support. I remember reading a blog wear a sidesaddle rider had found a person that custom makes them and allows her to ride much more properly giving her the added support for her core.

Well, I am back from my Dr and we are going to try the rhizotomy. I’m looking at a fusion surgery if not, so I am hoping like crazy it works for me. I had 2 rounds of facet injections that worked but did not last.

Facet blocks are generally good indicators of how well a rhizotomy is going to work. It wasn’t in my case but that we now know that my back pain is actually coming from my hip. Best of luck to you.

I had terrible back pain from a disc problem and my PTist made me much better within a week.

you can look at “Treat Your Own Back 9th Ed (802-9) Paperback
by Robin A McKenzie (Author)” from Amazon and try to find a McKenzie-method trained PTist

I have a fusion from T2-L1 with 3 degenerative discs below the fusion.

the best thing I have done for myself in the 10 years since that surgery was to pick up yoga 6 weeks ago. One of my friends is a fellow rider and is dealing with two herneated discs that she doesn’t want to have surgery on. She has been telling me for several years now that I should try it out.

It wasn’t 100% comfortable at first- in fact, pretty akward, unstable, and got quite sore for the first couple of weeks (commited to going 5x a week), but for me it’s making a HUGE difference. When I started, I could only bend over and reach about mid shin… My lower back would just pulse when I laid down at the end of the day. I had no ability to bend from side to side at all, next to zero ability to do anything even remotely looking like a back bend. I am now able to solidly touch the floor with my fingers, and am getting to moments in class when I can get my palms down. Back bends are getting easier, though still very much a work in progress. But the best thing of all? My pain level is WAY down, and I’m very very close to actually being able to get my foot up to a stirrup and generate enough power to actually GET ON A HORSE from the ground again. My instructor is encouraging me to actually move up into a more advanced class, despite packing on about 50 more pounds than I really should, and having rods through most of my back.

Serious game changer. Might be worth a shot if you can get your comfort level stabilized a bit

Sorry to hear your accident. Herniated discs suck. Give Epidural a try. It helped me a great deal. I have had three lumbar epidural injections which took care of 90% of my lower back issue and two cervical injections which took care of 70% of my neck issue. I am going to schedule another cervical epidural injection soon. You should know whether it helps within a couple of days post injections. It is very likely that you will need at least two injections.

And another big vote for Yoga. I have been practicing Yoga for years before the herniated discs and I think it helped a great in my recovery. It is helping me now too.

Please, please, do not push yourself to FEI at this point. Wait till next year. He will wait for you. If you ruin your back now, you will never get to FEI, not now, not ever. If you wait a few months, you will have a brighter outlook riding your horse to the highest level. Use these months to take care of yourself. It takes time for nerve to regenerate - months, if not years.

Thanks guys. I’m just glad to hear from those who have been there and done that. Laurierace, I can’t believe you went through all of that to find out it was your hip after all. Did they get you better then? My Dr confirmed what you said that if the lidocaine worked in the facet injections but not the steroids then the rhizotomy should work. Ray, I tried 2 different PT’s for 3 months before going this route. I wish that would have done the trick! Way less painful! Blaiasb, I think I will try Yoga. I’ve done it before, and am actually pretty flexible, so I am game to try it once I’m better. I also think I will try Barre to get fit. My trainer is doing it, and loves it. Gloria, I wanted to epidural, but they don’t believe the disks are my problem at this point, just the facets. There is no way I’m riding FEI, or a stick horse for that matter as these days I am only riding my couch. I am in extreme pain just sitting in a chair, so absolutely no riding until this is resolved. It really is helpful hearing from people who have been there. Thanks again.

I am having hip surgery March 3rd. Hopefully my nightmare will finally be over then.

Oh darn Laurierace I’m sorry to hear that. I hope they get you pain free and back to doing what you love soon. Good luck with you surgery.

I had my surgery yesterday and am doing well so far. It is hard to tell but I think my back feels better.

I ordered the book “Treat your own back” from amazon for like 9.00. It was recommended to me last week when I vented to people and it has helped me a lot.

Author is Mckenzie?

I am having hip surgery March 3rd. Hopefully my nightmare will finally be over then.[/QUOTE]

It strange to me how often back diagnoses are made without checking out the hips. I was treated for bulging discs and stenosis due to spodylolisthesis for almost two years (PT,epidurals, facet blocks, RFL) until I insisted on a hip xray. Lo and behold, I had no cartilage in my hip whatsoever. Sure, I had obvious back issues as well, but sometimes I think medical school doesn’t teach doctors that a patient may have MULTIPLE issues. :mad:

I had a total hip replacement and felt wonderful for a while–at least until the peripheral nerves in my spine grew back. Always something! I hope that your surgery went well!