low lymphocytes

I have been diagnosed in the past with fibromyalgia and sjorgren’s. My ANA test results always come back abnormal. However, when I am tested for lupus, RA, and other autoimmune disorders nothing comes up. Today I got my latest blood results back and it shows I have low lymphocytes. This test was done by my normal dr., not my rhuematologist. They told me I don’t have to worry about the low lymphocytes.

I would just love to figure out what is going on. I live in constant joint pain. Daily headaches, no type of food agrees with my stomach, chronic fatigue, tingling in the hands and feet. I have had chronic mono in the past. Some days I just can’t do anything.

Anyone else with these types of results?

Def. tell your rheum. Can be a symptom of MS amongst other things :(. Wishing you well.

Maybe Lyme. I’m guessing you’ve been tested but many times the only test used is an ELISA and they have quite a high false positive rate.

Find yourself a really good Lyme specialist.

I am really rethinking this Lyme thing. I have been tested in the past. Not sure where to begin to look for a lyme specialist around here but I will start with google.

I have very foggy brain moments, even forget where I am driving sometimes on my way to work. I have dizzy spells, and just really weird moments that I don’t even know how to explain, feels like I might pass out or something. I have had this headache for the entire summer that I just can’t seem to get rid of. The regular imitrex, motrin does not help with it at all. Super tired and just can’t get moving! Dr’s are not helping me at all. They think I am a little crazy.

Low lymphocytes (really, any immune suppression) can occur with autoimmune disorders, which are not always easily identified through blood work. Based on your symptoms, you could have a mixed (MCTD) or undifferentiated connective tissue disorder (UCTD). Has your rheumy ever discussed this possibility?

I was diagnosed with MCTD in my teens after complaining of joint pain, raynaud’s, enlarged lymph nodes, and fatigue. Fast forward to the last several years, my symptoms have worsened to include such fun things as terrible muscle pain, headaches, gastrointestinal issues, some UV sensitivity (horrible rashes in tropical climates), trigeminal neuralgia, sore salivary glands, dry mouth and eyes, a flu-like feeling, insomnia, and I cannot handle any sort of stress. For kicks, I’ll show you the oddities in my blood work (these are just the bad results - I have had every sort of test, from muscle enzymes to the full run of autoimmune stuff, and they’re all normal). My current rheumy thinks I have a collagen-vascular disease with a touch of fibromyalgia. As things develop, he’s leaning towards lupus.

WBC 3.2 giga/L (Normal is 4.0-10.0)
RBC 3.68 tera/L (Normal is 3.80-4.80)
Hemoglobin 114 g/L (Normal is 120-150)
Neutrophils 1.2 giga/L (Normal is 2.0-7.5)

ANA 1:320 (Normal is a titre <1:80)
NOTES: Speckled pattern >1:80 suggests antibodies to extractable nuclear antigens (ENA). Disease associations include SLE, Sjogren’s syndrome, MCTD, and scleroderma. Usually in lower titre, positive ANA may be seen in about 5% of a reference population. Consider testing for ENA
antibodies if clinically indicated.

Extractable Nuclear Ab Screen POSITIVE

NOTES: RNP (ribonucleoprotein) antibodies are found in 95-100 percent of patients with MCTD (mixed connective tissue disease). RNP antibodies are also found in 20-30 per cent of patients with SLE, 15 per cent of patients with progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) and may also be detected in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The presence of RNP antibodies in SLE, in contrast to Sm antibodies, is associated with a relatively benign course and a lower incidence of renal disease. When patients with RNP antibodies develop nephritis, it is usually associated with the presence of antibodies against antigens
other than RNP.