We have a 3 yo filly who just started 30 days of Gastrogard. She “walks and talks” all the symptoms of ulcers. She is grumpy and just generally has an unthrifty appearance. Her diet had been analyzed a couple months ago including minerals and adjusted accordingly and no improvement. Negative fecal and wormed with Quest Plus. She also has a history of tying up and is the most splat footed horse I’ve ever seen. All of this also leads me to believe there’s an obvious malabsorption issue (ulcers) and that she’s sensitive to sugar and starch. I want to find a low NSC feed that will provide enough energy and will be easy on her stomach so hopefully we don’t end up here again. I know of KER Re-leve, what other options are out there?
Current diet is Timothy, alfalfa, Hallways Race 13, TC golden flax, a hoof supplement and balanced minerals.
How much of each are you feeding?
She has a full haynet of timothy in front of her all day, plus approx 3-4 lbs alfalfa.
1 lb TC golden flax
12 lbs Race 13
Hoof Secret has a good concentration of methionine, some minerals and 70mg of biotin. That was started a couple months ago. Lastly, we added additional copper and zinc to balance the iron content in the Timothy according to the analysis.
At one point we tried Hallways Luminance (high fat conditioning supplement) and it didn’t do squat for her weight. She’s also has not been a good doer, but Gastrogard has changed that already.
OP, is this filly in race training or has she been retired from the track and you are in the process of letting her down and ‘de-toxing’ her?
Why would you “de-tox” a race horse? What toxins are in there that need to come out?
I spoke to a rep at Hallway feeds yesterday and they’re recommending their Fibrenergy which is 10% NSC https://www.hallwayfeeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/HallwayFeeds-Fibrenergy-SpecSheets.pdf
Race 13 is 36% NSC
She is in race training.