lumbar compression fracture- braces? shock absorbing seat saver?

Hi- just got an xray for nagging low back pain and have a compression fracture L4. It is probably a progression of an old fracture there from years ago. I am waiting for an MRI and bone density and have been advised not to ride. The fracture is stable with no nerve impingement, thank goodness, but I am thinking hard about ways to protect my back when I do get permission to ride again.
Does anyone have suggestions for a back brace that I can ride in? I mean a full length type, not just a waist lumbar support. Any recommended ā€œseat saverā€ type cushions that actually absorb some of the concussion from riding?
I should add that my mare is about as bomb proof as they come, and I do not jump anymore!
I wish there was a sports physio who knew something about riding somewhere nearby!!

Please take time off if the doctor recommends it. I continued to ride and I have terrible debilitating back pain. Sure I have a few more compromised vertebrae, but do what they say and do the therapy that they suggest. Take a lot of time with coming back. I was hot to get back riding. Alsoā€¦I had a bombproof horse as well and while riding with this injury he tripped and fell on me and I broke my arm. My doctors face was not a happy picture when I ended up in front of him again. A reminder that even the bomb proof ones can let you down thru no fault of their own. I hope you feel better!

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Thank you- I am trying to be a model patient! I was told not to ride until I was painfree which is very vague. I am seeing a physiotherapist tomorrow but in the past have found that most do not have an understanding of the kinesiology of riding (is that even properly expressed?) and so cannot really give informed advice.

Good for you! I unfortunately was never the same. Ended up with chronic pain that was debilitating. Ended up with a fusion L-3, L-4, L-5 and S1. Unfortunately no reprieve from the pain. BUT, I was working 30 days post surgery and put the pressure of my employer first instead of myself. I have not been able to ride at all since the surgery. I hope that your starting to feel a bit better now!

demidq, yeah ā€˜painfreeā€™ is rather vague but sometimes only you know when you are free of pain. Maybe keep a daily journal of what activities you are doing (even things around the houseā€¦ lifting, kneeling, bending over, etc) and related pain rated 1-10 (1 being basically no pain and 10 being pretty much maximum pain) both immediately and some time later.

Each of us also has our own tolerance to pain. As TullyMars said, we want to jump back in as soon as we can to doing all the things we used to be able to do. Rushing may have long term impact to your health. Based on your initial post, wait for the imaging studies and discuss the results with your doctor. Ask for all copies of your studies (the imaging facility should be able to burn them on DVD). Ask for a second opinion,.

I personally would wait on any assistive/supportive devices until you have a concrete diagnosis along with treatment plan. I know you want to ride but your long term health may be impacted.

While a physiotherapist may not completely understand riding, you can explain some of what they need to know; potential low level concussion up the spine. Remember that your lumbar spine is where most of the shock absorption and mobility rest within the spine (some in cervical in terms of head mobility).