Lumbar spinal fusion?

I’ve damaged my L5/S1 and my specialist wants me to have surgery. I weighed up the pros and cons, and decided against it. If anything goes wrong, it can’t be undone. I used to event, hunt, etc and now ride (para) dressage. I CHOSE not to jump again as I just don’t have the body control, nor can I ride for long. Para dressage has a lot of compensatory equipment, please look into it :slight_smile:

I’m 46yrs old, had L4-L5-S1 fusion and laminectomy on Dec 6th. Had a grade 3 isthmic spondylolisthesis. Years of epidural injections and PT no longer helped. Awful awful nerve pain in my hips and down the legs. I was off narcotics and completely pain free 10 days post surgery. PT is going great. Hope to maybe walk around on my super dead quiet lease gelding next month. I low level event and admit the thought of jumping again or coming off scares the pee out of me. Will just take it one day at a time!


Congratulations! Take everything one step at a time and see where it takes you. I drove 15 1/2 hours in the car Saturday and had a really major pain flare Sunday as a result but it went away by Monday. Before that flare would have lasted a week or more. I went paddle boarding today which may or may turn out to be a bad idea, time will tell. I will be 8 weeks tomorrow and so far couldn’t be happier. Hope your good results continue!

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