My horses sure are testing me lately! Pulled the 6yo in and sometime in the last 48 hours, she’s had several lumps appear under her stomach, back towards her udder. Several have what appear to be scabbed over wounds. One had what at first glance looked like blood dripping off it, but it was more of a jelly like consistency and relatively light red in colour.
Horse seems ok in general, is moving fine and demeanour is her usual self, aside from getting grumpy at me examining the area (dodging kicks is always fun).
I’m at a bit of a loss as to what this might be…horse lives out 24/7 but there’s literally nothing in the paddock to hurt herself on. Fences are electric braid with t posts, but all intact and no caps missing from posts.
My best guess is some sort of insect bite and she may have kicked herself trying to get rid of it? I’ve never seen this before.