I will try and spare you the long story. Just trying to see if anyone else has anything that has helped them or any words of encouragement. I’m 27 years old and have had a whirlwind of health issues. Started from getting a bunch of swollen lymph nodes removed and biopsied, to being bed ridden anytime i wasn’t at work, forgetting simple words not being able to put sentences together. Tried to convince myself everything was in my mind for years after simple tests at the doctor didn’t give much of an answer. Eventually got to the point I could barely walk and was in an insane amount of pain. I had lost a ridiculous amount of weight without trying. My supervisor finally pulled me aside and told me “something is wrong. Please go home, find a doctor to figure out what is wrong with you. You can’t keep pretending you’re ok.” Eventually once I wasn’t even able to make it to my car anymore, I listened. I Was diagnosed with several auto immune diseases as well as found out I had Lyme disease. I had a picc line in and got treatment. Now that the picc is out and that part of treatment is done, I still feel half alive/in pain. And almost useless.
My question is, has anyone had anything similar and found anything that has worked for them? I want to get back to riding but it feels like such a struggle to even make it out to my trainer by the end of the day I have been scared to even schedule anything. Has anyone found a lot of healing in just forcing yourself to go and ride? I’m hoping that if i push myself to go that maybe it will help wake my brain up a bit and help me out. Anyone have any suggestions or anything that has helped them healthwise? I’m starting to feel desperate.