Lyme & Co-infections...coming soon to a city near you.

Just saw an interesting article about Lyme and co-infections. Important reading for anyone who has been treated for Lyme and just doesn’t improve.

I was diagnosed with Lyme, Babesosis and Bartonella in 2003, as was my daughter. She went for 8 years from doctor to doctor trying to find a diagnosis. We’re about 95% better, now.

Been there. Done that. Lyme and Bebsiosis.

Still tired sometimes. Adrenals take a big hit. Found out I was also (wait for it) ALLERGIC TO HORSES!:eek:

On allergy shots now. Slightly better.

Hitting the gym helps get your strength back!!

Several of my horses have had it. One had to be put down.:frowning:

Maybe stink bugs will eat the ticks? Gonna catch some and try!

One can only hope!!:slight_smile:

Guinea hens LOVE ticks. Damn ticks.

Unfortunately, stink bugs don’t have mandibles, so this is unlikely. They have more of a butterfly-esque mouth (like a straw).

Interesting article. Thanks for posting it.