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Maclay Regionals Photo Essay (Region 8)

Some here may be familiar with my semi-traditional Maclay Regionals report for Region 8. This year is a bit different as I’m taking a year-long photo project class that I’ve based on the people who are the unsung heroes of the horse show. Thus, I spent a lot of time photographing what was happening at the back gate and less time watching. One might say that my focus was different this year. Here’s a video of the photos, some of which fit my project and some less so. Some of the subjects will be readily recognizable, especially to West Coast people; some less so. Video is just over two minutes just so you know what you’re in for.

Link to YouTube Video of Behind the Scenes Maclay Photos

Brief Report
The course looked fun and challenging but not overwhelming. Lots of bending lines and some interesting-looking fences (some apparently contributed by Whitethorne). There were just over thirty riders in the class. The strangest thing was that they only hacked twelve riders. There was considerable confusion over this as they first announced they’d hack 12, then it was briefly changed to 26 before settling on 12. The flat was pretty basic. There was no workoff.

You can hop over to the Maclay Finals Qualification thread for a discussion of the new qualifying criteria for this year and next.

Finally, if anyone is curious about the year-long project, titled “A Leg Up,” here’s a link to a video I did based on the photos in consideration as of last month. It has to be culled down to something like twelve photos for the final presentation in November.


Thanks for the links.
It’s been eons since I showed Hunters (so I recognize Nobody :smirk:), but I enjoyed the Behind the Scenes. Brought back memories :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Great photos!!

I’m impressed that you managed to find a couple of kids in riding clothes who were painting feet and wiping boots. Good for them.


Thank you for sharing!


My favorite photos are always the candid ones. Much of the time, (at least for me) they capture the true essence of horse show competition. You’ve done a great job and I appreciate your talent.

Plus, you succeeded in making me a little bit homesick. :disappointed_relieved:


I kept reflexively trying to “like” photos in the video :joy:

I was reminded of the #groomsrock hashtag and I believe there was some kind of recognition program, for a while at least. If anyone visits the Back In The Grooming Stall FB group, which is one of my favorites.

Thank you for sharing your project.

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Great photos!


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That’s a great Facebook group. Don’t know if they still give the award or not.

I thought about stealing their FB name or using Back At The Barn for my photo essay title, but almost none of the photos were taken in the barn area.

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I’m on the East Coast, so I am not familiar with your faces out in California, but I am a HUGE fan of the 'stache on your ingate guy! So much fun!

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People include Robert Ridland (with coffee), Archie Cox (bright blue jacket), Skylar Wireman (polishing boots), Shane Wireman (talking to student; seen in profile), and Jim Hagman (talking to student and gesturing).


Love how you focused on the grooms, who make so much of this happen.

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