Made appointment with chiropracter

And feeling a little nervous. I’ve never been to one before and heard stories about people made worse :frowning: what should I expect from the first visit?

I recently started going to the chiropractor following a bad fall several years ago that really got worse in the past year.

I guess the one that I go to is probably different than traditional chiropractors, but she uses a machine (for lack of better word) for the adjustment.

Following the adjustment, they do some stretches and then a deep tissue massage.

From what I’ve heard, this isn’t normal for a chiropractor. I’ve definitely seen fantastic results from it but I definitely (at some point in time) would love to go to a different type of chiropractor just to see the different type of work that they do.

I have been going to the same chiropractor for over 25 yrs. He has been my back/hip/shoulder salvation! I jokingly told my husband once (now an ex) that I would leave him before leaving my chiropractor. Talk about a prophecy! :winkgrin:

My chiro specializes in holistic care. He uses manipulation, stretching, ultrasound, tens machine (electro impulse) and acupuncture both plain needle & electric stim. He never tells me I have to keep coming back "X amount of times per week in order to fix whatever is bothering me. He allows ME to decide if I need to see him again. There are times, depending on the injury, that I have seen him 3 days a week, other times once a week and then there are times when I won’t see him for months.

He has healed me through a fractured back, a fractured scapula, a tilted hip and a separated shoulder. Helped rehab me through 2 rotator cuff surgeries. All of my injuries were horse related. He tells me as long as I have horses, he’ll be in business. :sadsmile: I have referred many people to his practice, all with very favorable results. If you find a good one, they are worth their weight in gold!

I did learn one thing about using a different chiro when I moved 3 hours away for a year once. The guy I saw was ROUGH and he hurt the hell outta me! It took 2 visits to decide I would NEVER go back to him! I made the 3 hr. trip back home to see my old guy. I’ve since moved back to the area and will never change again.

There are times when certain adjustments can be uncomfortable, but certainly not feel like you were just beaten up. If you have a good one, you will know it.

Good luck!

I looove, loove my chiro…he singlehandedly changed my life and I couldnt live without him. He worked out some major muscle imbalances (with reg adjustments and lots of massage/stretching) that Ive developed after 2 pregnancies that kept me outta da saddle for 3 years (wicked tight psoas and crippling piriformis syndrome)

And no quackery and gimmicks

With your first adjustment you can expect to be sore as he will put your body into a position that your bones and muscles are not used to to. This soreness if you experience it could progress through at least your third visit.
After about the third visit you should feel alot better and start really feeling the results of the adjustments.
Everybody’s bodies react diffrent to diffrent things soyou may not even experience this soreness. I have been seeing mine for almost five years. I go once a month once every two weeks and sometimes once a week depending on if my back goes out.

The chiro recommended pt and said my hips are tight. Can anyone recommend some good stretches for lower back and hips?

I know lots of stretches for hips, but it really depends on what your chiro feels needs worked. I was very lucky in that my chiro had PT on-site, so he could send the therapist an instant message and vice-versa to get me into shape.

There are a lot of good stretches- some intense, some just require repetition. I don’t want to particularly recommend any to you, because there’s a specific way in which they need to be done when your body is first healing. Your bones are in a very new position right now, and it’s important that your muscles and tendons strengthen properly around them!

I will say that I have had resistance-type PT and Pilates-type PT. The first one involved a lot of pushing and pulling and trying to build up muscles fast. The second involved a lot of stretching and balancing and coaxing my muscles into understanding their new roles. I preferred the latter, even though it kept me off of horses for a little over a month. I was an acute case, though!

In my case, the doc said the most important thing was to keep moving in gentle ways, like walking on the elliptical. No exercise that involved sitting, because that would quash my hips. Stretching before, during, and after anything!! Thankfully, I had been laid off recently when I was going through this, or I wouldn’t have had the time to stretch as much as he wanted me to!

The good news is that, once you meet up with your PT, most of the exercises can be done at home, or even in line at the bank. :slight_smile: Good luck!!

Don’t worry. You will be fine.

I love my chiro.

My horse loves hers also.

Your adjustment will provide relief of pain. It sure did me. From years of endurance riding, I had a crooked hip, crooked upper back, and a crooked neck. I looked like an S curve, had knee pain too.

I walk, and ride a bike, and ride a horse for exercise. I do hand weights too.

I have a road bike, and a mt bike to ride. Bicycle, not a harley.
I have a horse to ride mt, and trails.
And I walk on all surfaces I can. Can’t do a treadmill, pulls my hip out for some reason. Biking doesn’t, gaited horses don’t, non-gaiting horses DO.

R - road
M - mt
H - horse

Oh, also went gaited a rocky. Much easier on my body. Pain can drive one nuts!