I’m on my 5th MCC and I will never not have at least 2 in my life. I have 2 rescue cats as well and I love them all, but the MCCs are the best. The one characteristic is can think of that they are glue. They are just always with me, although the senior one has always claimed the most time. Zifu was my shadow and slept right next to me every night. Zazu was on the bed but it was obvious Zifu only tolerated his presence. I wasn’t sure if Zazu liked me or liked Zifu, and maybe it was a tossup, but after Zifu passed Zazu found his way into his spot in bed and now tries to exchange molecules with me at night. Currently the other side is being occupied with Zevon, aka Destructo the Magnificat. He’s 2.5 and he’s a wrecking ball of a cat. I keep waiting for maturity to hit and he keeps entering every room like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. He’s definitely not boring, god I wish he’d get more boring!
But I do think they pick their humans and maybe they are a little indifferent to NotTheirHuman.
Typically MCCs are longer and taller than Norwegians, but Norwegians win the heavier on average award. Think long and lanky vs weight builder, both in an oversize cat. Also Norwegian cats have more coat. MCCs have a distinctive coat pattern with a heavy ohsoheavy ruff, britches and belly, but a lot less coat on the shoulders and back (but still the trademark waterproof). Norwegians are heavily coated more uniformly.
If you buy a MCC be prepared to wait and pay on average between 2-3k, especially if you have a color/sex preference (males are much larger), but mostly, please buy from a reputable breeder. There are so many bad breeders out there, specifically breeding for the smoke color and extreme features (and I see them charging as much or more for these kittens). Also, polydactyls (extra toes) are freakin’ adorable and I’ve absolutely seen them on good looking cats but they are considered a major flaw (not sure if they are registerable). And as every horse person knows, when you breed for a single feature and not the whole package you pretty much fail to breed a quality animal. Breeders should screen their stock for HCM and possibly do the genetic test (I think it’s less clear how related the marker is to the disease, but still, it’s a devastating condition) and screen for hip dysplasia. Personally I’m a fan of most of the breeder’s cats having at least a championship since it shows they are willing to have the quality of their cats judged by someone other than themselves. Barn blind is a thing in all breeders, this is the only known cure! But to be fair, showing is expensive, so if they are ticking all the other boxes for a healthy kitten and your goal isn’t showing, it shouldn’t be a red flag if they aren’t. But if they talk to you about their imported cat from Russia and seem to be breeding only for black smoke, your Spidey senses should be telling you to proceed cautiously!
And now for the pics!
Zevon, aka Tropikoons Lawyers Guns and Money, aka Destructo the Magnificat (that’s what you get for naming your cat after a song about a rich kid who asks his father to bail him out of trouble )
This is an example of good and bad heads
When Destructos get bathed
Zifu (that’s an adult behind him, he wasn’t an MCC he was a Coonasaurus)
Zifu and Zazu, one of my favorite pics