Mandarin Prince 1988 Bay/Grey TB Gelding

I’m looking for info on a TB gelding that I owned in the 1980’s. He was bay at the time I lost track of him, but is probably gray now. He was born in 1988, out of Dancer’s Promise, by Iron Beacon. His dam’s sire was Promised Land. The last time I checked with the Jockey Club, he had never raced. My parents gave him away in 1990 for finanial reasons to the woman he was boarding with in northern Florida. I heard that he was resold shortly after that, possibly to a woman named Sherry. He is registered, but I’m not sure if his papers were passed along, and as far as I know he was never tattooed, so I know this is a longshot. If he’s still a bay, he would have a star and one hind white sock, although I can’t remember which leg. Any info would be great, even if he’s passed away. I would feel better to know that I don’t have to worry about him. I have tried to find him on and off since he was sold, especially since his dam died of colic the following year, but without any paperwork, have never had any luck. Thanks for any help anyone can give me!