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Mare has attitude problem! Looking for advice.

So I had recently bought a QH mare a few months back. She’s 10, was a lesson horse, and is a been there-done that kind of girl. The one issue I am having with her has been her teeth grinding. It’s mostly under saddle, but happens when you either girth her, brush her, or even pet her in some places.

Now, she also has kind of a bratty attitude. Never has she ever done anything dangerous (besides a few bunny hops, when we both were learning about each other, nothing bad). I have had all kinds of people on her, trail alone, trail with others, taken her to every show possible, she’s fine. She recently just started wood chewing, too and I am kind of in a gray area with where to go from here.

I have had the best chiropractor in OH come out, and she IS a little better. Also have had her teeth done recently, dentist said that she did need some work but nothing major just would take a while to correct. After I had her teeth done, it did slow down a little bit but picked back up. Tried different bits, etc. She’s also getting a little clicky in her fetlocks which I have her on MSM for and she’s getting a bit stiff, which doesn’t seem to cause her pain since she’s always had a bit of sass and will willingly pick up trot/ canter on her own in pasture. I’ve had numerous saddles on her, since I kinda figured my old one was a bit tight in the shoulders. New saddle thats super wide, and STILL!

Sorry for the long post, just trying to cover everything in case any of you guys pick it up and I dont :slight_smile: Thank you!

Treat for Ulcers

Yes, look into ulcers. I have a welsh pony that grinds his teeth when starting to get ulcery. Also, I think wood chewing may be a sign of ulcers too IIRC.
