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Mare has neurological trouble

My main-squeeze, my talented training partner (palomino curly mare) is undergoing diagnostic evaluations (serum, bloodwork, xrays and tomorrow i’ll trailer her to MIZZOU).

She is uncoordinated, and has a head tilt and vestibular eye weirdness in both eyes.

Local vet suspects a broken temporal bone caused by arthritis that is impacting nerve. Have not ruled out EPM. Herpes virus seems to be off-the-table as a cause (because she’s up on her vaccines and bloodwork seems to clear her for that).

Poor thing. She got banamine on day one, and yesterday, (day 2) bute. Today will be bute again and tomorrow she goes to MIZZOU. I was worried about trailering her an hour and a half, but after she worked so hard to evade me for her evening meds, i think by closing her in the front compartment of my stock trailer she won’t have too much room and will have four walls to lean upon. Stock trailer is 1/3-2/3rds.

No suggestions, just major jingles for your girl.


I am so sorry :frowning:


i had a horse that was diagnosed with polyneuritis equi last summer. Apparently quite rare, presents similarly to EPM. Thought to be auto immune related. Started with eye issue - one was rotated inward and down; slow and limited “menace” response. MRI showed cranial nerve damage in several locations. Also impacted the hind end. Complicated and diagnosis at Univ of Fla was based on MRI and elimination of other things. Can only be verified with necropsy. It sucked.
Hopefully you will get some clarity from the tests and evaluation. If they have any reason to suspect this, I would be happy to share the names of the vets at UF who worked on my horse…


Major jingles for you both!

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I’m so sorry. I’ll hit the curb chain when I walk by it. Poor girl…


I know this golden mare is a special horse among your herd of special horses. You’re a loving Horse Mom and I hope you get some positive news.


I am so sorry your horse is going through this.

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Jingles and positive vibes to you both.

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Im so sorry you and your horse are going through this.

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Jingles for your poor mare :heart:

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Jingles and hopeful wishes for your mare.

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What the vets at MIZZOU reported was the only thing they could discern were two crimped nerves via endoscope. That presumably she had perhaps had an ear infection (that the antibiotics cleared up when my vet made his initial visit three days prior) which pressed those nerves making vestibular and resulting imbalance along with head-tilt and neck curl. ??? Prescribed a round of antibiotics and bute …oral 2x day. They assume she will have a full recovery. I’m SUPPOSED to keep her quiet. …well, i’m doing my best. She’s in a corral and barn with her little herd of 8. Now catching her twice per day is the trick!!! she’s onto all my tricks lol.

While driving to MIZZOU (an hour and a half) i was sort of freaking about how i might come home with an empty halter. My worst fear was a brain tumor… Was SO RELIEVED when they presented their report.


Great news! It is frightening when symptoms appear that can be very serious.


When the vet and the two students found me, the first thing out of all their mouths was: “Brenna is SO PRETTY”, then they each wanted to know what IS she? A mutt, a grade mare. But what mix? Just a rescue from Longmeadow says I. So, here i am …wondering if she has a brain tumor or not and i’m having to field questions about prettiness. In the end, it was fine enough because their report was a good one. LOL


OH!! ?? WHAT do all you guys mean by “jingles” and curb chains??? (i am not connected in the human part of the horse world)

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It’s the CotH version of sending good vibes or positive thoughts. I can’t remember how it started but it was many years ago.

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huh. Thanks :slight_smile:

This has an explanation…


It was also an alternative to sending “prayers” for those that are not religious.