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Mare-ish Issues

Hello everyone -

I am having a difficult situation with my OTTB mare. She is 7, almost 8, and appears to have ovarian cyst issues, as well as hormonal problems.

The vet diagnosed her with her first cyst in January 2013, and used an injection to reduce the cyst. Before her diagnosis, we tried various remedies to reduce her 'mare-ishness". Depo, EasyMare, massage therapy, stretching, exercise, etc were all used (she is still on Depo and EasyMare), without any major effect on her behavior.

Her behavioral issues tend to be toward other horses (her mare pasture-mate, and horses that walk by her stall), but not to humans. Once in the saddle, however, she expresses her discomfort by kicking, bucking and swinging her haunches in (typically at the trot and canter).

I have tried to be a good horse owner and attempting as many tricks as possible by medicating and alternative therapy - but this isn’t solving the root issue - and as a result is getting expensive and tiresome.

I am looking for some tried-and-true advice. Some people have suggested the ‘marble’, some have suggested using a double-dose of Depo. I do not want to try ReguMate (too invasive). Please help!
