or so I think. This is a 21 year old mare. She’s had 8 foals for us previously, never an issue. Mare was a milk machine. Prior to foaling on the 4th she bagged up. She bagged and had white milk on the 30th-July 2nd. July 2nd her milk turned honey and sticky, almost like a syrup and then she lost her bag. Night of the 4th she went back to normal white milk but not a huge bag, but had milk. Day 2 we put her on Equidone for five days. I wouldn’t say it increased her much.
Foal is lively and well, he nurses, but is not frantic nursing, just nurses more then I think the others do, or am I watching him more? When I express milk I can get a small stream out of one teat canel. I can never get both to give me milk at once. I realize if I can get some, he’s getting more as his tongue/mouth are made to express milk. But I’m still worried. He’s only 9 days old and he’s lively and happy, but I still think she should have more.
Has anyone ever tried fenugreek on their mares? I used it when I was nursing with my kids. Any other thoughts? She foundered about three weeks before foaling (mechanical foundering from being chased by an aggressive mare). She’s on 1 1/2 grams bute twice a day, 22 doxy twice a day, Ulcerguard in the evening.
How soon can I supplement with milk pellets? I’ve tried milking a mare that lost her foal, along with goat’s milk and he has ZERO interest in the bottle. So maybe he’s getting enough? I just worry as we lost a colt to an unfortunate accident on the 5th, so I don’t want to pull the wool over my eyes with this one. Vet is not into holistics and thinks the equidone will do the job, but I did not see an increase.
I do also have her on 1 lb of alfalfa pellets twice a day as I know that increases milk production.