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Maria Borrel horse neglect

That obviously isn’t true since her father is in jail in KY.

the sighting of her in NY was several days ago…before the father showed up in KY>

That obviously isn’t true since her father is in jail in KY.[/QUOTE]

Paulick does a good job of sorting the information out. It includes comparisons to other states.


I have to say I do have a bit of empathy for her. This sort of thing doesn’t usually start out with bad, nefarious intentions. Things can and do spin out of control and spiral down from there when the money runs out.

Pride gets in the way and some people are too embarrassed to ask, seek some help.

I am in no means defending what has happened.

I have to say I do have a bit of empathy for her. This sort of thing doesn’t usually start out with bad, nefarious intentions. Things can and do spin out of control and spiral down from there when the money runs out.

Pride gets in the way and some people are too embarrassed to ask, seek some help.[/QUOTE]

I have never been more proud of you. The victims in this mess are numerous. Not just horses. For sure, Maria ’ s career and life are ruined. In life we all need concerned and knowledgeable mentors, certainly lacking here.

Paulick also ran this today. An emotionally honest and sympathetic story worth reading.


[QUOTE=Shammy Davis;8729061]
I have never been more proud of you. The victims in this mess are numerous. Not just horses. For sure, Maria ’ s career and life are ruined. In life we all need concerned and knowledgeable mentors, certainly lacking here.

Paulick also ran this today. An emotionally honest and sympathetic story worth reading.


Does this mean I am back in your will?

I have to say I do have a bit of empathy for her. This sort of thing doesn’t usually start out with bad, nefarious intentions. Things can and do spin out of control and spiral down from there when the money runs out.

Pride gets in the way and some people are too embarrassed to ask, seek some help.

I am in no means defending what has happened.[/QUOTE]

This couldn’t be more true. We’ve all seen people at the brink, or even been there, ourselves. Only with time and experience comes this kind of wisdom. Thanks, Gumtree!

Does this mean I am back in your will?[/QUOTE]

No, but it does mean I will be more receptive to your snarky behavior. I think you may have a future in “rubbish collection” if the horse business goes south on you. Be careful about being too snarky though, I can find a reference or link to support my rubbish even when I know it’s rubbish.:yes:

Does this mean I am back in your will?[/QUOTE]

No, but it does mean I will be more receptive to your snarky behavior. I think you may have future in “rubbish collection” if the horse business goes south on you. Be careful about being too snarky though, I can find a reference or link to support my rubbish even when I know it’s rubbish.:yes:

[QUOTE=Shammy Davis;8729664]
No, but it does mean I will be more receptive to your snarky behavior. I think you may have future in “rubbish collection” if the horse business goes south on you. Be careful about being too snarky though, I can find a reference or link to support my rubbish even when I know it’s rubbish.:yes:[/QUOTE]

Seriously? You’re still thinking he needs to kiss the ring? Please.

Well, they set Chuck free, for the moment. Geez, just imagine what that bail money would have meant in food for those horses. :cry:

I guess they are still hunting for Maria…:mad:


[QUOTE=ASB Stars;8729673]
Seriously? You’re still thinking he needs to kiss the ring? Please.[/QUOTE]

It would be nice if you could get beyond your pedestrian thinking because you would realize that sarcasm makes more of a connection between people than leaving them at a loss.

You must be a fabulous cook because when I read your posts all I see is a person stewing over something.

[QUOTE=Shammy Davis;8729764]
It would be nice if you could get beyond your pedestrian thinking because you would realize that sarcasm makes more of a connection between people than leaving them at a loss.

You must be a fabulous cook because when I read your posts all I see is a person stewing over something.[/QUOTE]

Pedestrian? Tee hee.

Yes, I am a marvelous cook. But for pot stirring, I defer to your immense talent.

You should probably leave your considered ability as a seer on the curb. I simply call 'em as I see 'em.

Can you two take your BS to PMs please?

So I get this lovely PM from this Shammy Davis who obviously doesn’t like the attention taken away from his/her persona. :lol::

[I]"Nice of you to be . . . . . . the adult in the room on the horse racing forum but your advise is BS. You haven’t posted to an actual horse racing thread or horse related thread since June 2015. It appears horse abuse brings you out from under your rock. You are in KY. You should be able to add something to the discussion but it appears you show up when everything has already turned to crap. Maybe you’d be more comfortable now expressing yourself to something on off topic. It appears Donald Trump has got your attention. You’ve been posting there since the first of the year.

If it’s got race horse and problem in its title we can always count on people like you showing up on the horse racing forum. What luck!"

Can you two take your BS to PMs please?[/QUOTE]

Repeated for clarity…

So I get this lovely PM from this Shammy Davis who obviously doesn’t like the attention taken away from his/her persona. :lol::

[I]"Nice of you to be . . . . . . the adult in the room on the horse racing forum but your advise is BS. You haven’t posted to an actual horse racing thread or horse related thread since June 2015. It appears horse abuse brings you out from under your rock. You are in KY. You should be able to add something to the discussion but it appears you show up when everything has already turned to crap. Maybe you’d be more comfortable now expressing yourself to something on off topic. It appears Donald Trump has got your attention. You’ve been posting there since the first of the year.

If it’s got race horse and problem in its title we can always count on people like you showing up on the horse racing forum. What luck!"

Well, it’s nice to know who the adult in the room is, after your comment…:lol:

Please, understand that I only commented publicly, because taking it private with him gets ugly. Like now.

Shammy was accused of being someone else. Someone who offered insightful perspectives, was incredibly erudite, someone with thoughtful opinions, and a vast knowledge and devotion to the Thoroughbred race horse.

Well, we worked out that Shammy, in spite of his desire to be all things COTH Racing, is not our dear departed Glimmerglass. Not even a shade of the man.

We try to play well with others, around here. But, it isn’t always easy! :lol:

So I get this lovely PM from this Shammy Davis who obviously doesn’t like the attention taken away from his/her persona. :lol::

[I]"Nice of you to be . . . . . . the adult in the room on the horse racing forum but your advise is BS. You haven’t posted to an actual horse racing thread or horse related thread since June 2015. It appears horse abuse brings you out from under your rock. You are in KY. You should be able to add something to the discussion but it appears you show up when everything has already turned to crap. Maybe you’d be more comfortable now expressing yourself to something on off topic. It appears Donald Trump has got your attention. You’ve been posting there since the first of the year.

If it’s got race horse and problem in its title we can always count on people like you showing up on the horse racing forum. What luck!"

Your behavior is very tiring, SD.

Heaven forbid anyone disagree with you on anything, particularly those who already have considerable respect from others on COTH.

Any thoughts of kindness or consideration on your part are totally erased with each attack.

Please go ahead and type out all your nasty remarks to get it off of your chest, but then walk away for a couple of minutes before hitting “send” - either public or private.

Your behavior is very tiring, SD.

Heaven forbid anyone disagree with you on anything, particularly those who already have considerable respect from others on COTH.

Any thoughts of kindness or consideration on your part are totally erased with each attack.

Please go ahead and type out all your nasty remarks to get it off of your chest, but then walk away for a couple of minutes before hitting “send” - either public or private.[/QUOTE]

^^ This saves me typing out the same thing.

I have to say I do have a bit of empathy for her. This sort of thing doesn’t usually start out with bad, nefarious intentions. Things can and do spin out of control and spiral down from there when the money runs out.

Pride gets in the way and some people are too embarrassed to ask, seek some help.

I am in no means defending what has happened.[/QUOTE]

I had been thinking along the same lines, “wow, she got in over her head, probably did not have bad intentions, kind of feel badly for this young lady who has clearly had her reputation demolished…etc.”

But, I think as more facts come out, the picture is only going to get worse.

And, someone was commenting on Mr. Borell already being out
of jail. It is SO rare for anyone to do time for animal cruelty in any state. I am surprised they held him as long as they did. Let’s hope there is more justice down the line.