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Mark Wonderly Clinic - Sept 3rd, Berryville, VA

Locke Meadows LLC in Berryville, VA will be hosting a Mark Wonderly clinic, Sunday, Sept 3rd. Mark will be judging our VHSA/DC Area Hunter Horse Show show Sat, Sept 2nd. This is a wonderful opportunity to show in front of one of the most sought after judges on the East Coast and then clinic with him the following day. Space is limited.

Reading of the rules will be $25/person and Mark will go over USEF Hunter and Equitation Rules. Most riders (and many trainers) and not 100% familiar with the rules. Mark explains them in depth and then has a question and answer session immediately thereafter.

The riding portion of the clinic is $75/rider and sessions are approximately 1 1/2 hours and up to four riders of similar level will be grouped together.

To sign up for this clinic, please e-mail LockeMeadows@yahoo.com