I don’t know when it happened, but where did the Marketplace section go to sell stuff???
Scrapped in favor of this, I think:
Paid advertising is available on our classifieds site and through the purchase of banner ads. The tightly monitored Giveaways forum permits free listings of genuinely free horses and items available or wanted (on a limited basis). Items offered for trade are not allowed.
Yes, before the software upgrade, we phased out the forum classifieds section. Though I think folks who advertised there had good luck, it received very few paid ads and lots of erroneously submitted ads thinking it was a free service.
It was created as an online option before we had any other online advertising options available, so we’ve now phased it out in favor of our full classifieds site. Premium users now receive a credit to www.cothclassifieds.com instead of to the forum classifieds as a benefit of their membership.
Mod 1
Okay, thanks. Kinda pricey since I’m just looking to sell some blankets and such. I hate to use eBay but I guess that’s where I’ll have to go.