Maryland - Chestnut TB/WB Cross MISSING/LOST/STOLEN

[B]Lady Ada (Addie), a 16 hand, 12 year old Chestnut Thoroughbred/Warmblood cross Mare is missing from a farm in Damascus, Maryland. Please help us find her. View the details at:[/B]

[I]"Lady Ada (Addie), a 16 hand, 12 year old Chestnut Thoroughbred/Warmblood cross Mare is missing from Taylormade Stables in Damascus, Maryland. Please help us find her.

Addie has been missing since early Saturday morning, September 3, 2011.

This was the first day of cubbing and Kathy Taylor arrived at the barn at approximately 3:30 in the morning to bring in the hunt horses to prepare them for the hunt. Whilst at the barn she thought she heard something but was not sure. She did a quick look but initially did not see anything amiss. About 20 minutes later she noticed that Addie, who was staying in the round pen at night to stay off the grass, was not there.

The search was started immediately but to no avail. The search continued for 16 hours on Saturday and has continued every day since. The police in several counties have been notified as well as animal services and every farm in the area. It is not certain what happened but foul play has not been ruled out. If you see a horse matching the following pictures and description please contact Kathy Taylor at (301) 980-7441 or the police immediately.

Thank you so much for any help you can give us.[/I] [I]

Robert and Kathy Taylor"[/I]