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Mason or concrete sand for outdoor arena?

This. 100 times over. Aggregates vary wildly from supplier to supplier. If your contractor has installed a few arenas locally he’s probably worked with the same supplier, worth having the conversation with him!

LiveWire – have you added a textile to a concrete sand. I waffle back an forth on trying it. It sounds like it will work well if one is committed to keeping the footing moist.

I rely on mag flakes, so I wondered whether I risk ruining my footing by adding a textile /fiber.

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There are a few products out there designed to interact with existing footing or widespread varieties of aggregates, but they do require ample and evenly distributed moisture to yield the best results.

It can definitely improve stabilization, but won’t perform to the same capacity as a silica sand mixture. As long as your realistic about your expectations and the required maintenance, you’d be happy!

I don’t mean to sound so cynical. IME there are two types of people. People who are practical and understand that a proper arena installation/regrading/renovation is an improvement and people a little less sensible who expect to cut a check for the least expensive option and have a maintenance free, KHP quality arena.