May I brag for just a moment?

Today my sweet, wonderful 3rd/4th level dressage horse got to moonlight as a huntseat horse with his visually impaired half-leaser. We wanted to test out her audio headset without the pressure of a dressage test so we went to an open show to do some huntseat classes. We didn’t really expect a whole lot as neither of us really has any background in this area but whaddya know, they did GREAT!!!

She walked away with a third and a fifth in Advanced Huntseat Pleasure and FIRST PLACE in Jr. English Pleasure, Hunter Type! I was SO proud of my horse for being so well behaved in an unfamiliar and a bit chaotic of an environment and I’m absolutely thrilled with how well his leasee handled him! Better yet, the headset worked like a charm and I think it will make an incredible difference for her this year in her dressage tests. I’m so excited to see how they do!

Here is a picture for good measure :slight_smile:

Awesome! Congrats to all three of you on a collaboration well done.

We need a “like” button.

That is amazing!! :slight_smile: Congratulations to all of you!

What exactly does the audio headset do? Does someone speak to her through it?


Congrats to all. Kudos to the rider. I am visually impared and equitation rings scare the beejezus out of me, Then there id the warm up ring.Utter chaos…

As someone who works with blind and visually impaired adults-I say Yahhhooooeeee!!! Congratulations! I am legally blind in my L eye but with correction ok in my right. Gorgeous horse, too. :slight_smile:

Wonderful that you and your horse can help.:cool:
Brag away.:yes:

Emily - we actually used our cell phones. She plugged her wired hands free headphones into her iPhone and called me and I talked her around the ring. It worked great!

It was definitely chaotic… I’m not used to that environment at all so it was a bit stressful to watch. There was no discernable arena etiquette that I could tell and coaching a 16.2 big mover around a bunch of horses doing western pleasure speed from the opposite end of a HUGE arena was… Interesting :slight_smile: Even MORE interesting was when a thunder/lightning storm started up and the power went out mid-class. The indoor arena went absolutely pitch black for about 20 seconds. All of the horses halted and handled it a-ok, which was great… When she was done with the class my leasee came out of the ring and said calm as can be “I thought I lost the rest of my vision all of the sudden. When the lights came back on I was like oh good.” I am constantly in amazement of her ability to take all that life has thrown her completely in stride and not let it affect her present or her future plans. She’s definitely an inspiration.