Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Beautiful painting! (And beautiful dogs). Love the setting. So cute.


Ours are the shorter, stockier, English bred lines - built like bears, but not as “leggy” as working lines. They are very good with human food, and know not to touch it, but they will get VERY close if they think you’re not watching - and lick the air around the food, they’d never touch it.

Hubby ran out to get me in the car one night when it suddenly started pouring rain and I was set to walk home, he’d just had a pizza delivered and left it on the coffee table, with the box open in the rush, we came home thinking it’d be completely gone - but the three of them were sitting as close to it as they could possibly get without actually touching it. Good dogs.


So that was back when the story was the RG was inside, correct? I see she says ‘missed Robs [sic] head in our own apartment’ but then says ‘as we peacefully sat on our porch’ - so was he in ‘our’ apartment? Or were they on ‘our’ porch?

Then she changed to she was on the porch, do I have that right? And he was inside playing laundryman?

I also love how she is so full of herself that she believes she had the power to allow/disallow the State of NJ to charge someone with a crime.

Just wow!

And, of course, her signature classy last sentence.

The fact that her parents have not perished of shame is as shocking as almost anything else in this :poop: show of family dynamics.

Although, as pointed out above, given that BOTH parents have more than one entry on their own records speaks volumes as to the family values going on there. It would appear the shame gene does not express in the Kanarek line.


Good thing we all witnessed the aftermath or otherwise the whole sordid tale would seem completely made up because WHO DOES THIS?


It appears to be the case. She wrote that on Ruth Cox’s FB page in August and I copied the text (I didn’t know how to take screen shots with my new phone at the time, nor did I realize it might be important to do so). I certainly hope that statement, among others, bites her in her backside or wherever it will financially hurt the worst.


Is she accusing the 48 Hours reporter of sleeping with Bilinkas?! And, how would that be ‘casting couch’ situation? She didn’t need Bilinkas to get her the 48 Hours gig.

What is that rambling word salad??!! :green_salad:


Well! Apparently Lauren wasn’t happy with the way the 48 hours crew portrayed her. She doesn’t like when people cozy up to Balinkas? Mr. B looks like a teddy bear, he looks like alot of people could cozy right up to him. Except Lauren of course. Nobody wants to cozy up to her. But Ed Balinkas? Cozy is the word of the day for him. Bet Lauren hates that.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Surely it’s a global plot!!!


And wouldn’t this be a clear case of libel?

And, again, she always has to go with something sexual to insult her prey - usually women. It’s all so sordid and gross and nasty. Her behaviour is the exact polar opposite of the wealthy, sophisticated equestrienne image she tries to project.

All the Barisone stuff aside, who wants to associate with someone making nasty sexual references to CBS reporters publicly on twitter? No one who sees that wants to deal with someone who would go there.

No one in their right mind would ever associate professionally or personally with someone who thinks the above is normal public behaviour. And the fact that it’s always sex, sex, sex with her and her insults is so disturbing. The skeeve factor alone is too much for me as an adult. Can you imagine having her around your children and the children of your clients?

Hard pass.


I guess she wanted to be Belle of the ball.

The world disagreed.


So she’s openly insulting 48 hours/ABC (or is it CBS? I forget)? I bet they are shaking their heads at having interviewed her so kindly. They’ve seen her nasty side now, I wonder what they think of that.


I would guess having done their research prior to the episode and during the trial that they (48 hours) knew all too well what Lauren Kanarek was like and how she would likely respond to anything she later decided was not what she wanted them to say about her.

@Aurora58, thank you for sharing. It is good to know that this one has not changed one bit and her go to is to make insulting sexual comments about people involved in things that has decided are not making her special enough.


Projection again?


Always make room for the possibility that even if 48 Hours was aware of LKs reputation as told by others that they would not suspect LK would turn on them too when they defied her demands.


That’s my bet.


Seems to be spiraling again. She’d get super ranty here for no obvious reason. It was assumed to be because of developments in the criminal trial. Maybe mommy and daddy got their new subpoenas and she got her new deposition date.



I am confused. Maybe it is because I have not played 687D chess lately.
A person (random internet person) comments about her (Lauren) hitting Michael in the head with her phone. Which she has admitted to doing many times so I am not sure why it needs commenting on, but it is Lauren Kanarek and everything needs her comment…
Lauren Kanarek says back that she would have hit him with her fists but they were busy stopping the bleeding (that did not show on her clothes that we have all seen from the trial).

So… what was she holding onto her phone with if not her hand, that would make a fist? Does she have some other appendage that can hold a phone and swing it to hit someone in the head that is not her hand?

And what about the Kanarek ICU math again? Did they extubate her and then push her downstairs and out to the hotel room?

Edit to clarify some pronouns.


Didn’t the surgeon testify in court that the medical records showed that she was only in the hospital for 19 days in total? So that means they must have shoved her into the hotel room while she was still intubated, from her version.

Or maybe into the helicopter that took her to the hotel room, or whatever.


You and me both. I was just wondering how that was possible, and concluded that it might make sense after I have some coffee. But I’m not sure coffee will give me clarity on this point.


This must be it. Still intubated they stuck her into a helicopter and took her to the hotel room where Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks took care of extubating her a few days later and all that fancy medical stuff.

What day was it that she posted photos of herself shopping right afterward? Was that after the extubating?