Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Hey @hut-ho78, I found my post in the other thread. It was just as I described above and not how you tried to imply I was saying specifically that this house did not have proper egress from the basement.

I am actually chuckling because I do not specifically remember making this post but it is just what I imagined it would be.
Please note the part I have highlighted for you in yellow.
For the viewing pleasure of all who wondered what I had said about egress in the original thread:


The obvious “leap” would be to call him Rob or Robert… not Guy.
I do not get referred to by my middle name.
Even LK called him Rob in her posts and rants.

Whatever. << said in my best 14 year old dismissive tone



His FB is currently Jim E Stark.
It was changed after his account was used to make all kinds of nasty comments on the 48hours page.


That does not imply that he goes by Guy or that a person unfamiliar to him should reference him as Guy. His actual page lists it as, currently, Jim E Stark and previously Robert Guy Goodwin.


BTW, the proper medical term for collapsed lung is pneumothorax. There are three basic types: tension, traumatic and spontaneous. If you didn’t hear one of those terms or specifically traumatic pneumothorax on that recording, she didn’t have a collapsed lung.

What is highly likely is that either the wounds were sealed or a chest tube was inserted to PREVENT pneumothorax. The first technique is basic life support, a chest tube requires a paramedic or above.

Standard disclaimer: Not saying her injuries weren’t life-threatening or serious, they absolutely were. But some of the statements made about her condition, hospital stay and recovery appear to be exaggerated or inflated.

ETA: My ex had a partial pneumothorax after falling off a horse and breaking a rib. It was pretty much a nothing burger. Went to the ER, had the chest tube put in, lung reinflated, ribs bandaged, discharged. Pneumothorax can be a big deal, but with access to competent medical care, it doesn’t have to be.


So remember the discussions on NGRI? Remember all the comments that CH and I argue with “legal” people? Tripped over these looking for something else.


Just pointing out where one might have seen that if it wasn’t in the media. I remember seeing that it was something like https://www.facebook.com/guy.goodwin at the time.

FYI thats not his FB link now, just in case people try and click lol

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Wow, really??

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Yes, it does. So? That does not imply that a random person should call him guy. That is just what was used to designate his FB page. It still shows up as guy.goodwin even though now it displays JES. Kind if of like how you wanted to argue about how the tagline “wasn’t your twitter handle”….


It’s the judge who makes the decision, based on his assessment of the information from the clinicians.


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I’m getting to the outer edge of my knowledge here (@Ghazzu, can you help?) but I’m pretty sure a Level I Trauma Center has to have a thoracic surgeon in the building.

You know, because of trauma.

Or at the very least, a trauma surgeon who is capable of handling chest trauma.


Interesting. I wonder if that’s a common thing.

I’ve never disputed that was what the instructions were….or how the law intends for it to work.

You just can’t seem to accept that the actual result was jury nullification. We know this because….the jury ignored direct testimony from the witnesses and gave NG verdicts on the charges for RG in spite of statements that MB directly aimed and fired on RG. From all the evidence, if the jury found him guilty first, they should have found NGRI on RG as well.


So you went digging through his Facebook profile in search of info in the first few days after the shooting? Sounds like something you have criticized others for doing. And despite all the media coverage and everyone here referring to him as Robert, you decided to call him Guy because you saw a couple of his FB posts? Lol nice one :rofl:


So…it was asked how one might know, and I shared that. That’s all. Not everything is that deep.

And yes, like my twitter handle, it’s important to understand the difference between a user name and the profile name, however my Twitter handle didn’t matter at all because unlike what posters said here, I didn’t follow LK on Twitter lol. Regardless of my name on there…it wasn’t true. But let’s not go there.

Makes no difference to me about RG and what name he uses.

A lot of people check the FB user name because it can tell you if the profile is a real one or a scam sometimes.

It’s fairly rare, I also have this. Some women it stops before the cervix, some have 2 cervix (like me), and some have 2 vaginal canals also.

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My sister had 2 uteruses (uteri?), cervixes and vaginas. Always made me wonder if she had absorbed a twin in utero or whether it was just a glitch


Well sure but I think hyenas are cool so I’m offended on their behalf. Vultures aren’t cool :joy:


I’m sure there are people who think vultures are cool.

It’s really sort of unfair to any animals to drag them into this, since the behavior in question involved so much more evil intent than any animal could muster.