Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Your amounts are wrong and distribution means an additional award. If LK gave the recordings to Shelly Belly Nelly or her mom, those are additional awards.


Yes, obviously he can sue for the recordings and the SM posts. He is suing her. My question was, what sort of monetary damages can he sue for based on those things?

I think it will not be difficult for LK to prove he shot her and she suffered damages from being shot. I agree with you that the damages will be mostly medical bills and pain and suffering rather than lost income.

You would be wrong.


No. Wrongful death is not a negligence or personal injury claim.

You must prove that 1. the person is dead (simple) and that 2. the person being sued caused the death which would not have otherwise occurred without their action.


He was ruined because he shot her and nearly killed her, and the state of New Jersey appropriately prosecuted him for his actions.

He is not criminally responsible for his actions, but his actions are what ruined him.

As Lazaret has said, his counterclaim against her is not a defense against her suit against him.

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No, you continue to be wrong.

She was taking many actions for which you can be held civilly liable LONG BEFORE the shooting took place. This is documented on the open internet. The shooting does not undo what she did. Just the amended claim for illegal recording - all 81* recordings took place before the shooting.

I would appreciate it if you stop citing my posts as support for your incorrect legal interpretations. You have quoted me correctly but are interpreting me incorrectly.

*nb: there’s likely a lot more than 81 occurrences. That’s just the number of audio files


In this case, the insurance company for SGF is a defendant.

Doesn’t matter. When I say corporation, I mean things like airlines. Insurance companies are party to I would say a majority of lawsuits. Most of those, as in, all but a vanishingly small number, do not result in any sort of huge payout.


In a wrongful death case, one does not have to prove that the killer had a duty to the victim?

Why does one have to prove that the shooter owed a duty to the victim in a personal injury case?

First off, LK/RG should have been arrested and charged when they admitted under oath in open court before a judge and jury, and that admission being admitted into the record by the Courts own recording or court stenographer.

They admitted freely, without coercion or under duress to doing so.

Why they weren’t charged is deeply troubling to me. Additionally, they distributed the illegal recordings to other people and actively used them to harm MB and MHG both personally and professionally by sending them to various places like SS, etc.

They weaponized illegally obtained recordings in order to harass, threaten, coerce and defraud MB and MHG. Snippets were also then methodically distributed on social media.

I believe the fines civilly are in the thousands for each count for the recording and then the same amount for the distribution.

Criminally, it’s posted below. The State was negligent and possibly more by not charging them IMO.

All my very verifiable opinion.


And I’m not saying that the shooting “undoes what she did”.

He can sue her for her actions— the recordings, the SM posts, etc. it’s not clear to me that the monetary damages will be significant.

I agree with your statement that his counter suit is not a defense against her suit. Thanks for making that clear.

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KM, I’m so sorry you went through that with your father. My dad had a fall at his care home too, fortunately after a trip to the hospital, nothing serious was found, though we still lost him last month, just short of his 96 birthday. Hugs to you and I hope you have success with your suit.


Suing civilling. Note the per day.


RG and LK freely admitted to the recording devices to the police in the days before the shooting.

You’ve cited the criminal fines, but not the civil penalties. What I remember is $100 per occurrence.

Thank you and I’m returning those hugs with a kiss!


I most certainly did in its own post.


OK. So even if it were 90 days, that would be $9,000.

What are the actual damages?

Distribution carries a separate sum be added. And the damages are what is decided by the jury. And your math is wrong as I believe you forget there was 81 illegal recordings.

You may want to Google the difference between compensatory and punitive damages.


No need. I understand the difference between compensatory and punitive.

So sorry about losing your father. What a heart breaking, and avoidable, accident.