Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I am sure @hut-ho78 can explain it to you.


It certainly would have been easier if a thorough examination of the evidence and scene processing had been done.
One wonders who that lax policing may have benefitted.


I believe IF there was a plan or collaboration that it backfired big time!


THIS :point_up_2:

I know its been said before, if the bombshell exists I would think that the Ks would be forthcoming in handing it over. Example 10,946 of things that dont add up when it comes to anything K-related.


Yes, @trubandloki, most people, which would include both Hut-Ho and me, understand the difference between compensatory and punitive.

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Do you? Because you were estimating a judgment to be like $9,000.


Thank you for your continued input even though others are still desperately attempting to try to find some way that LK will pull out a win here. It’s starting to make me wonder if there is some kind of projection going on there.

To this point about juries. The NGRI verdict can be taken as the jury finding some way to avoid criminality punishing Barisone. The overwhelming independent commentary of YT viewership during the trial felt Barisone was the victim
.and some indicated they felt she deserved it. The 48 Hours viewership with even less info also felt the same. The idea that a civil jury, who will have more info than even we do here, more than the criminal jury and trial viewership, and more than the 48 hours viewer will suddenly find differently than the overwhelming majority is


Insurance companies do not just pay out settlements because someone sued. They just do not. It works like giving into a child temper tantrum. If you pay out for one case you’ll get a 100 more looking for the same payout. That is why there are investigations for things like intentionally sabotaging pipes, acts of arson, faking injury after a car accident, etc

People also don’t generally like to reward bad behavior. Any jury that sees this case would be telling everyone that purposefully staying to harass someone after you were asked to leave and planning to destroy someone and his career with false allegations is okay to do if they awarded any kind of payout to LK. I think that is a tall order to expect a jury to fulfill.


I was under the impression that her behavior caused him stress to the point that he became traumatized, and mentally unstable. And that came before any shooting occurred. Did I miss something?


I have a friend in Kentucky whose elderly mother went through an eerily similar situation. She did find an attorney, but ultimately they walked away from the action. The hospital decided to try and sue my friend for attempting to interfere with the care of her mother- for asking all of the questions, and attempting to get ahead of the issues.

I’m so sorry for your loss.


Yes, her behavior was one of a constellation of factors that caused him stress prior to the shooting.

What sort of monetary damages (compensatory and punitive) do you think would arise from the stress she created through the making of the audio recordings and the SM posts prior to the shooting?

Remember, it has been clarified by Lazaret that his counter suit for the recording is not a defense against her suit against him for having shot her.

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I don’t think a settlement in Lauren’s favor would be an indication that the jury is rewarding her for her bad behavior, but it would be compensation for medical bills accrued because Michael shot her. Do you really think anyone would [edit] think otherwise?

Whatever trauma and mental instability Michael was experiencing prior to his shooting Lauren, it wasn’t enough that anyone around him felt he needed help. He was still running his business and earning a living prior to the shooting. If he hadn’t shot Lauren, he would still be a free man running his business and earning a living. He ruined his own life by shooting Lauren.


The jury didn’t need to “find some way to avoid criminally punishing Barisone.”

They found that he was legally insane when he shot her, and thus he wasn’t criminally responsible for the act.


It has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Michael Barisone shot anyone.


I think when Bilinkas and Deininger finally get to reveal that plot everyone will know who shouldn’t be rewarded with money.


Yes, it has been. That was the outcome of the criminal trial.

In the civil case, the plaintiff will only need to prove the same thing by the lower standard of “a preponderance of the evidence”.


I didn’t state anything about the current actions.


No it hasn’t. And nothing about the verdicts indicates that they felt Michael was responsible for anything. In fact, the expert testimony they relied on was exclusively about how LK mentally terrorized MB.


I didn’t state that MB shot LK. Is there any definitive proof that he did? I do not remember that being a part of the criminal trial.

And, I will say that no one knows where the thresholds are with anyone else. You can observe, and try and be supportive, but not know exactly where things stand. A person can appear to be functioning, and be falling apart inside. I’ve been there.


Once again a reminder that the civil case is its own animal.

Based on audience reaction here and all across social media, Law & Crime, 48 Hours etc it is just about an absolute certainty that jurors will not be rewarding LK for her behavior and any compensation for injury will be reduced due to her contribution to the events unfolding.


I agree, @Sdel. By finding that he was legally insane when he shot her, the jury determined that he was not responsible for his actions.

The jury would not have even pondered the issue of insanity if they hadn’t first determined that he had committed acts that would be crimes if committed by a sane person.

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