Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Didnā€™t he actually reach out to his own, long-term counselor though?
I could be mis-remembering, but I know he did periodically reach out to her and get ā€œhelpā€.
Thatā€™s said, this situation escalated quickly, and there might not have been time.


Again, does anyone think that a jury going rogue in this way is a good thing? They arenā€™t his mother; why would a jury do this to a complete stranger rather than follow the oath they took and follow the judgeā€™s instructions? Are you proposing that enough members of the jury decided that Michael did NOT shoot Lauren, but thought he looked like he needed mental health help, so they NGRIā€™d him to being locked down in a mental institution for an indeterminate amount of time? Is it reasonable to think this was their thought process, and they thought this was actually being helpful to Michael?

This one is easy. The jury determined that Michael did in fact shoot Lauren in an attempt to murder her but he was insane at the time (therefore an NGRI verdict), but they did not think there was enough evidence to show that he shot at Rob in an attempt to murder him (therefore the NG verdict).

You raise a good point: if the jury went rogue and decided that they were responsible for making sure he got help for his mental health issues instead of following the law and the judgeā€™s instructions, why not come to the same verdict on the charges for Rob as they did for Lauren? That they came to different conclusions based on their verdicts indicates that they did indeed follow the judgeā€™s instructions.


Realistically speaking though, even Freud couldnā€™t counsel someone as to how to best deal with that situation other than to have her and her horses not be there.


Obviously, in retrospect, she should have left.

But I think it will be hard for Barisoneā€™s lawyers to establish that she ā€œhad a dutyā€ to leave, despite being a legal tenant. A reasonable person would not expect their landlord to show up in the middle of the afternoon and shoot them, two days after informing them that their presence was unwanted.

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She wasnā€™t a legal tenant. She may have had tenancy rights as far as the eviction process but she wasnā€™t a legal tenant.


What is the difference to bring a legal tenant and having tenancy rights?

One doesnā€™t need a written lease to be a legal tenant.

How many people struggle with severe mental health issues and those around them are unaware? A devastating amount of people suffer alone and in silence. It does not lessen the extent of their illness.

We do not know how those around MB reacted to his decline in mental stability before LK was injured. He had sought prior therapy which is the usual response outside of commitment. Commitment has its own set of strict stipulations which most people do not qualify for, even if in a mental health crisis. MB could have been extremely delusional and still not have qualified for inpatient commitment. People will also avoid commitment due to real life obligations such as their job and/or family. To insinuate that MBā€™s mental state was any less because there was not a certain reaction by friends or family is disingenuous and presumptive at best.

Edited spelling


The operative word in my statement was may have.

in other words, see my tombstone: it depends.

And thatā€™s enough of being misquoted for one day.


This has been explained in the past. You participated in the conversation.

And as a former landlord tenant clerk I assure you that I know a lease is not necessary.


Obviously in retrospect, she shouldnā€™t have attacked someoneā€™s family, livelihood, reputation, business, ability to provide for oneā€™s self, made physical threats to multiple individualā€™s safety including gun violence, violated a wiretapping act, showed intent of forging and accessing private documents, or have inherently brought risks towards individuals including children by actively using drugs, having a partner who actively used drugs, accompanied with a known history of stalking, harassment and physical altercations.

She had a duty to leave when she was repeatedly asked to leave. You can play dumb and pretend she was never asked to leave but Iā€™m certain the civil trial will prove otherwise.

You are also continuously refusing to believe self defense was not a possibility, which WOULD permit him to shoot her, even though MBā€™s counterclaim clearly spells out that self defense is on the table for justification.


Exactly so


There was reasonable doubt for attempted murder of RG since he wasnā€™t shot but with LK being shot twice no reasonable doubt there.

He missed RG and after his tight shot pattern center of mass on LK it could be construed as a warning shot. Maybe since ED only heard two shots fired and there were two shell casings found the jury believed that RG was close enough to the line of fire to think he was shot at. Maybe RG was dodging and running and attacking the shooter AFTER SHOTS WERE FIRED AT LK and a moving target is harder to hit, while LK had merely stood there in shock and just put her hand out in a plea to say donā€™t shoot.

The state expert concluded he was sane. The jury rejected the state expert and believed the defense expert.

We know based on testimony that at least several of those around Michael knew he was failing mentally. We also know that his girlfriend helped him file grievances against Lauren with Safe Sport and USEF. We also know that Ruth Cox gave him her gun. Regarding the bolded (bolding mine), anyone can commit themselves to a mental hospital any time and a bed will be found somewhere for that person. No one has to ā€œqualifyā€ for it. I know this based on experience with a family member who was on government issued health insurance.

Exactly. And she had a duty to leave when she initially became unhappy with the situation, as opposed to doing all the twisted and vicious things she did. If you donā€™t like a situation, you have the freedom to leave it. Lots of other barns, plenty of spots to nap.


It depends on what he remembered. If he remembered going there to shoot her and then shooting her without cause then that would be all three saying ā€œhe came, he shot LK twice.ā€

(Iā€™m very sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is something no one is ever ready for.)

? Yes. Lazarus used as an example of a verbal altercation progressing to a physical altercation as an example. There is no evidence that happened so Lazaret did indicate as CH understood. I donā€™t think that was her intent but it came across that way.

@ekat, there is an amended answer filing by Mr. D. It is very long and addresses the recordings. If you or @lazaret have time, could you look at it and explain what it means for the case? Thank you!


Maybe where you live that is the case. Availability of psych beds can vary widely, as can state law on ā€œholdsā€. Many years ago psych hospitals were everywhere. I think theyā€™re less common now.


Iā€™m having trouble tracking this logic. So you are saying that LK who did not shoot anyone is known to have more diagnosed mental health issues than MB who shot LK but itā€™s all LKā€™s fault because having mental health issues she provoked a man with mental health issues?

If she is more mentally unstable than MB then perhaps he should have calmly evicted her instead of vindictively trying to ruin her future dreams of competing at FEI events. Also, if she is more mentally unstable then MB then why is she held to a higher standard of behavior?

If you want to say they were both mentally unstable and were a bad combination, that makes sense but blaming the one you call less capable of acting in a rational manner responsible for all bad behavior? Maybe I donā€™t understand what you are trying to say?

Edited to add this. If MB stood at that site and fired rounds in that direction every day at that time and LK ran out in the line of fire, he would still be at fault for basic gun safety, pointing a weapon at her and then for firing at her. Itā€™s not like traffic at all.